Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Today Life Changes

Today Dan started a job that has nothing to do with horses. I think it is a good job, but after 25 years it will be different.

Today Kenny buried his mom. His life will be forever changes; however, I've never seen a child so loved.

Today I got an "N" on my yearly evaluation. Seems I've been late by 1 to 5 minutes since moving to the country and driving 3 miles of dirt roads. I will do better!

Today we had pizza for lunch. When you teach you either bring it from home or eat school lunches. So today on our way back to school from the funeral we brought back pizza. Everyone was happy.

Today a student ask me what my dreams are. Then followed it by "if you could do anything what would it be." For months I've been downtrodden over missing out on the joy of life, but you know what I've really have done all that I expected and wanted to do. Well almost...where is Chapter 2.

Today we had to do a presentation to the faculty. It went okay. I would like to do that more often.

Today starts a new time in my families life and I'm ready for a new adventure.

Monday, March 30, 2009

An Eleven Year Old Deals With Death

Today I sat my class down and told them about Kenny's mom. They were all very concerned. I told them that I would be sending an arrangement to the funeral home from his classmates. That helped easy them a bit. Basically they all were good today. News of Kenny's trouble made them more caring.

Several of my students live in his neighborhood and their parents wanted me to double check on absences today, because they want to go to the funeral. I got most of that taken handled. Managed to get the okay to set up an educational fund for Kenny...they do not need anymore flowers or plants.

Went to an IEP then it was time to go to the funeral home for a Southern thing called "Visitation". It is where the family is at the funeral home at a given time and everyone drops by to pay their respects. My precious Kenny looking so small in his black dress pants, white shirt, black tie, and dress shoes. He was sitting between two other teachers at our school trying to be the little man. He came to hug me, I told him how nice he looked. Soon we were both wisked away, but continued to make eye contact. F and I met his grandmother wonderful woman, wonders how she can do homework with him she only has an eighth grade education and grandpa only has a seventh grade education. We told her not to worry, but everyone in our little town is worried the CRCT is coming. She told me how they had let Kenny pick out the casket, the flowers, and the clothes his mom wore. A big job for such a small boy.

The people kept coming. We started to leave and went to tell him good-bye. He said we could stay a little while longer if we wanted to. So we did. Our angel boy kept his tie on for about an hour and a half, when a cousin showed up and he made a dash for outside. Wanting so much to regain a moment of carefree, childlike freedom. I knew we could leave and we said good bye to him outside.

Childhood should not be filled with picking out your mom's casket, but sometimes it is. One day when Kenny is old he will stumble upon the book all of his teachers and neighbors were signing tonight. It is in that moment when it falls open that he will remember how loved he and his mother were. It is at that moment he will think of how little he really understood today...I know I did the other day.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Victory in Jesus

Do you have a song that moves your soul? The first note brings back a flood of memories that take you on a journey of the past. Well "Victory In Jesus" does that to me, so this morning when the first note was hit on the piano the waterworks began! That's right in the choir, with a church full of people, I went into the ugly cry. Finally, I just gave over to it and cried.

You see I have history with this song. First, the song writer (Eugene "Gene" Bartlett) has history with my family. The song was written as a camp song when they first built Falls Creek (a Southern Baptist Camp), my family was one of those first families that worked to build the camp. My Great Aunt went to church with his family until he died. I am the Great-Granddaughter of one of the first Southern Baptist Ministers in Indian Territory, who knew Gene Barlett well. That song was played at every happy church memory I have, and every funeral in our family. I've been at Falls Creek when Andre Crouch directed a 5,000 member choir singing the song. I KNOW this song, I don't need a hymnal. It is my song!

The first chords hit the piano and suddenly I am a small girl in Oklahoma in a feed sack dress and white patent leather shoes. I am at Rose Hill Cemetary and watching my life change drastically. I am transported to the what ifs of life... all in three notes (kid you not). I am that little girl who listened to the Great-aunts tell fishing stories and the story of the last time they talked to Mr. Bartlett. My aunt had asked him to sing the song one more time. He looked at her and said, "I'm afraid the next time I sing the song will be in Glory." So of course in my mind the man sings that song anytime anyone I knows hits the Pearly Gates!

That brings us to today. Kenny's mom died last night. I had been trying hard not to think of another child years ago who watched a mother die and has lived a very full life without her. About that same child who turned away from God with my heart broken, because He didn't heal my mother. I had prayed all the way to church that God would not let that happen to Kenny.

So it was the ugly cry. I cried for me. I cried for Kenny. I cried for all the what ifs. And I cried knowing one day they would sing this song at a memorial service for me.

I know there are many people who wonder why that song (which is sung at our church in an upbeat Southern Gospel Song) makes me cry. And perhaps the oddest thing is no one has ever asked. Today when Freda and I went to get stuff to take over to Kenny's house, I asked her why she didn't warn me that was on the agenda. She forgot. I understand, no one could possibly know how that song affects me, not even Dan. (I'm sure he wanted to crawl under the pew!)

So if you don't know the hymn here it is.

I heard an old, old story,
How a Savior came from glory,
How He gave His life on CalvaryTo save a wretch like me;
I heard about His groaning,
Of His precious blood's atoning,
Then I repented of my sins
And won the victory.

O victory in Jesus,
My Savior, forever.
He sought me and bought me
With His redeeming blood;
He loved me ere I knew Him
And all my love is due Him,
He plunged me to victory,
Beneath the cleansing flood.

I heard about His healing,
Of His cleansing pow'r revealing.
How He made the lame to walk again
And caused the blind to see;
And then I cried,
"Dear Jesus,Come and heal my broken spirit,"
And somehow Jesus came and bro't
To me the victory.


I heard about a mansion
He has built for me in glory
And I heard about the streets of gold
Beyond the crystal sea;
About the angels singing,
And the old redemption story,
And some sweet day I'll sing up there
The song of victory.

Repeat the Chorus

Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Rainy Day Like Longfellow Knew

I just got the call that Kenny's mom died tonight. My heart broke. Last week I had pleaded that those helping with her care would convince the grandmother that he needed to know.

So tonight say a prayer for Kenny! His childhood has changed forever. Pray for elderly grandparents who will try and raise him. Pray that the lawyer was able to get all the paperwork regarding her will finished in time. Pray for his teacher that she will know what to do next.

The Rainy Day

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow saw a rainy day as this:

The day is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains, and the wind is never weary;
The vine still clings to the moldering wall,
But at every gust the dead leaves fall,
And the day is dark and dreary.

My life is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains, and the wind is never weary;
My thoughts still cling to the moldering Past,
But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast
And the days are dark and dreary.

Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark and dreary.

I think perhaps some great calamity befell him on a rainy day!

I one the other hand love rainy days! I hated work yesterday when it rains I should be home relaxing, reading a good book and enjoying time with my husband. This morning we laid around till about 10:00, drinking coffee, opened the french doors in the bedroom and listened to the rain. We talked about why we had an unnatural love for rainy days. We came to the conclusion that it probably had to do with the fact that in the last 25 years of marriage these rainy days were the only ones that he didn't work a 12 hour day. These were the days we reconnected and remembered who we were to each other.

Yes, it is only fitting in this new phase of life that it should rain today! We reconnected, remembered young love, and dreamed of our future.

Longfellow got it wrong. These Rainy Days are not dreary, they are days that allow us to become refreshed and renewed. These are days...to remember.

Bring on the rain!

Friday, March 27, 2009


Well today should have been an easy day at work, I was in an IEP meeting for 2+ hours, but it wasn't. I sat in a meeting with a parent I've never met (she hasn't made one conference). I don't know who I hurt the most for the mom or the child.

The mom must of weighted close to 450+ pounds. Staying awake in the IEP meeting was extremely hard for her. Half way through the meeting we stopped and the Special Ed. teacher got everyone a Coke, in hopes of waking her up enough to finish the meeting.

I've sat through many IEP meetings, but this one made me want to cry. Over and over I heard how he was within the low normal intelligence range and had the capacity to learn. But this boy struggles, he has taken the educational stance that it is better to be BAD than to let people know how much you struggle. I tried to bring out the positives...for a big boy he is faster than any boy in fifth grade, he sings like an angel, and he has a winsome personality (inspite of his behavior). And I repeatedly saw him glance at mom for some recognition of approval. There wasn't one. In a way I felt that he was the parent in charge of this situation.

The Special Ed teacher and I tried to bring out how this was an opportunity for him to get the extra help he needs, how he needed to take full advantage of it, and put away the foolish behaviors. Somehow I mentioned how he kicks off his shoes when we go outside and his mom says, "That's because he can't tie his shoes." How do you get to be 12+ and no one knew you couldn't tie your shoes! My heart broke. She said he just didn't learn as a kid. He said that when he was in YDC the man tried to teach him and he almost had it.

Will anyone else see the good in my BAD boy? I don't know, but I reassured him that everything was in place for him to be successful throughout his academic career and it was now his choice. Will he learn to read? Will he stay out of juvie? Will he make it? I don't know, but at least he had one year when someone tried to help make things work to his advantage.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Thursday! I never thought I could be excited about Thursday, but I am. I worked last weekend, so there has been no down time. I hit the road running on Monday. Tuesday are faculty meetings. Wednesday I tutored, but didn't make church (a literal pain in my leg), ended up going to bed as soon as I came home. Now it is glorious Thursday, today I've tutored and had PTO. There is a certain sadness that we had a grand total of 4 parents tonight, but so it is. We went over the CRCT, I'm too the point I hate saying the name.

Today it rained (one of my favorite things). Dan cooked supper, so tonight I'm going to eat a bowl of soup, have some jalepeno bread, and go to bed. The weekend promises to be busy, but at least it will be the weekend.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Trip to Dollar General

If you don't live in the south you might not even know what a Dollar General is, but let me tell you the new one on Hwy 36 is wonderful. I only needed envelopes, but then other things started calling me...shampoo and conditioner, paper plates for the party this weekend, canned veggies that are cheaper than the grocery store, drinks, chips, oh the list can go on and on...

But it is more than that, a trip to the Dollar General is a trip to look at those things you don't need, for instance, polka-dotted glasses. I really didn't need drinking glasses, but I don't like glass and perfer heavy plastic (its a long story and goes back to my first year teaching). Then I saw these crazy polka-dotted glasses and they made me HAPPY, so they went in the shopping cart. Next, I had to look at placemats, I still haven't found the right ones. Then I had to look at all the Easter stuff...what fun.

But the most fun at the Dollar General is watching people. These folks go from country to business exes, there are grandparents with grandchildren, teenagers, old folks, and hard working folks stoppin' in for that small something. Yeap, a trip to the Dollar General beats Wal-Mart any day.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Does anyone else get tired of doctors? Or perhaps this is just what getting older is all about. I swear I haven't felt really good in years (about the time I came to public school again). However, most days are good...I need to lose weight and that would help.

Yet, it is the aches and pains that keep me at the doctors office. Two weeks ago I changed my pharmacy, which should of been no big deal. But those tricky thyroid pills seem to always cause me trouble. Seems the pharmacist gave me a different generic and my sensitive thyroid has revolted. Somehow this is all tied to my legs being swollen to twice their size, they feel as if they will pop. So today I went to the doctor which means now I'm going to have an ultrasound on my legs and now take double lasix, plus another water pill and try to eliminate the water.

In a small town going to the doctor is no small thing. First, I have to have the appointment after school. I wanted 3:30, they said 4:45. I knew I'd be late, because someone always comes in afterschool or needs something, and I can't get away. One hour and fifteen minutes after I should of seen the doctor, she apears. She is very apologetic and says, "Things were going well till we had to call the ambulance. Then it was all down hill." Now this I can understand! My day is full of those type of trials.

I like the doctor, because I've taught her children she takes extra good care of me. I'm very lucky! While I probably don't need the ultrasound on my legs, at least she'll be sure and I'll know for sure it is the crazy thyroid medicine.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Weekends should be for rest, but that isn't always the case. I know I am not the only person who works a second job. It is a minor little job, about once a month I drive over to Augusta and do a horse show. However, the older I get the harder it is to make the drive, get up at 4:00am, drive 2 1/2 hours, work the horseshow, then drive 2 1/2 hours back. Usually I take Sunday off from church and finish up my paperwork and rest.

Today was different. Dan started my day by bringing me coffee in bed, something he doesn't do very often. So I had a feeling it was important to him that I go to Sunday School with him this morning. Then after church we ate lunch with F and Ricky, then it was back to church for a wedding shower. I enjoy everyone we go to church with, so that was okay. Drug myself back to Jasper County and started doing paperwork from the horseshow. Then, I had to make up a flyer for a Sunday School Party next weekend at our house. Of course I ran out of envelopes!

The next two weeks are going to be busy ones. Dan will start his new job in another week, so life here will get even busier for me! I wanted to go to Oklahoma over spring break, but I don't think that will work...I'm too tired.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Reader of the year

Tonight was the Reader of the Year Awards. Guess who was Reading Teacher of the Year...ME. F. wrote the sweetest nomination essay (which they read tonight), I swear there were a couple of minutes there when I wondered who they were talking about! I must admit I teared up a bit. I remember when I walked away from teaching when Drew was born and thought I'd never teach again. Then started back when Matt started school, only to go home again when Gabe was born. So to me this was a biggy tonight. First, I love it that others understand my passion for reading. I've heard preachers say it is a parents responsibility to lead their children to a knowledge of Jesus (Dan did that). I on the other hand taught all my children to read! Now that's an accomplishment. Of course Dan was there as well. We (F, Ricky, Dan and I) went to Jimmy's before the awards for some chicken fingers and fries. We are very predictable folks!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Dan starts his new job on the 31st! Came home today to a new man!!!!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Luxuriating on a Rainy Monday Night

Yes, that's right on a dreary, rainy Monday night, I filled up the whirlpool tub and proceded to luxuriate. There was even spa music in the background. For one whole hour I luxuraited, I forgot about the papers that needed grading, the laundry that needed washing and folding, the bills that needed paying, and rested my mind. It was great!

The rain is continuing, and now I am off to bed to watch 24.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


This morning I went to church alone (Gabe was half a sleep), it was rainy and dark. All I could think about was Lura who is struggling 5 years after her son's suicide to come to grips with it. My heart was heavy for her on my way to church. I walked in church and there was Brenda, my prayer partner. I told Brenda about my heaviness for Lura (years and years ago Brenda's brother committed suicide and her mother died of a heart attack the next day). Brenda told me of Judy's son someone we have prayed for as she has dealt with reoccuring cancer. Seems Judy's son tried to committee suicide again recently (2nd time). My spirit was heavy!

After church we went and had lunch with Freda and Ricky. Dan announced that Lisa stopped him and it looks like he got the job at Georgia Pacific (Praise the Lord)! As always we enjoyed the non-stressful time together. Then I was off to Macon for a wedding shower.

While on my way I thought of what Nanci and Freda had said on Friday. That I'd lead an exciting life and I was the happiest person Nanci knew. You know how I've searched for years to find joy in my life. Well driving to Macon it occurred to me that it hasn't been all bad.

*I grew up with a wonderful mother and grandmother.
*I really did marry the man of my dreams.
*Educationally I am a year of research away from a doctorate that will open doors for me.
*I have three wonderful boys, who are growing up into self-sufficent, fine, young men.
*I've had the best friends ever. Anyone of them could be called in a moments notice and I could say, "I need..." and they would fix it.
*I've lived on a 2,000 acre ranch with elk in my backyard and at a ski resort in a condo at the base of the mountain.
*I've worked for a pro football hall of famer, rubbed shoulders with country music icons, and known real life oil tycoons.
*The heir to Walmart has given both my boys scholarships to go to college, because of their abilities with horses.

Yeah, there's been a lot of pain and heartache in my life, but today I realized it was all good.

Albert Einstein once said, "There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 14

I believe I have a bradford pear tree growing by the barn. When I came home yesterday, I immediately went to get the camera. Dan looks at me and says, "Do you like the tree or something, I was going to cut it down." What in the world!

It is almost spring in these parts, although today is rainy and deary. I can just look out at the barn and see the tree. What a treat! We bought the house in November, so this will be exciting to see what we've got around here. Right now Dan is looking for a lawn mower, we think there is about 2 acres that have to be mowed. The rest we might can hire a bushhog every month.

Matt made it to Mississippi safe and sound. I hope he has a good time. Gabe made straight A's on his report card, so he gets to do something today. I'll probably go grocery shopping!

This morning on Fox News I heard that men in their 50's who have sex 2 to 3 times per week are 50% less likely to have a heart attack or stroke. They also said that it would reduce the chances of prostrate cancer. Also, that potato chips have an effect similar to Prozac. Now that is encouraging news during this recession!

Day 13

This has been an exhausting week! I've been trying to get 50 report cards ready,which was followed by parent conferences. Last night when I came home Dan had supper ready and I fell asleep at 7:00. I slept for 11 hours straight, which isn't like me at all! This caused me not to post last night so today will be a "twopher".

Thursday night Nick (Matt's friend from NC) rolled in with horses. He is meeting Matt in Mississippi for a horse show.

On Friday morning going to work, I almost cried. Matt and Nick are so eat up with the horse stuff. What we do is not Rodeo, it is Cutting Horse Competition, but still the words to Garth Brooks song "Rodeo" kept playing in my mind:

It's dust and mud

It's the roar of a Sunday crowd

It's the white in his knuckles

The gold in the buckle

He'll win the next go 'round

It's boots and chaps

It's cowboy hats

It's spurs and latigo

It's the ropes and the reins

And the joy and the pain

And they call the thing rodeo

You see I know Matt loves this stuff, but after living it for 25 years I'm not sure it is the best road in life to take. We just disbanded our own horse training business in October after 18 years of being on our own. Dan still hasn't found other work. We are just now buying a house at 50 and settling into a routine.

Our oldest son wanted as far away from the horse business as he could get. We sent him to Berry College, trying to give him every opportunity for vet school, only he didn't get into Vet school. He found a Christian girl, got married, and now is the farm manager over brood mare operations at Hygaard Medical Institute in Lexington, KY. So he's essentially back in the horse business! Although he is talking of reapplying for vet school.

Matt is at an agricultural college. He swears he wants to get a job and do horses on the side. He promises he won't make the same mistakes. And then here pulls up that trailer with starry eyed boys, who are footloose and fancy free, livin' a dream. That's when the flashback occurred.

It wasn't that long ago that we were young and carefree. Now I feel old and tired! When I got to work I said, "You know he could of brought home a hooker and I'd feel better!" Then my best friends looked at me and said, "What?" "You've had the most interesting life, you've met people and done things, all we've done is stay right here." Funny, I've considered what they have as the most desirable life!

Dan says to let Matt do this until he gets it out of his system. What if he never does? All day yesterday I expected Dan to call and say he was off to Mississippi with the boys! However, it is time to let Matt make his own mistakes and I really didn't want him to bring home a hooker!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Friends and Books

Last night at choir practice I sat by a new lady. We started singing and I said, "Boy, my eyes are so tired I can hardly see the notes on the page." She said, "Yes, I'm tired too." In between songs we struck up a conversation, do you have children, where do you work, that kind of stuff. She said she lived in Jasper County, and I said we just moved there. She mentioned she worked at the library. The Jasper County library has undergone a major renovation, so I know she is extremely busy. Then I went on about how I love the llibrary and it has always been one of my favorite things. How friendly the people are and everything.

Then I said, "Have you heard about this book?"

She says, "No, but I'll make sure and order it, I'm the director of the library." Yes!! What a cool new friend. The director of a library...what a wonderful job!

This book should be coming out any day now and I probably won't wait for the library to get it. But how exciting a librarian who is willing to stay on top of what is out there.

Also, we have been having book fair at school. I do book clubs after school and when I walked through I mentioned that I would love to have a set of Barbara O'Connor's "How to Steal a Dog." Guess What??? The librarian brought me all the books and said this is from the free books the school gets to select. YES!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


My television viewing of late could be considered a bit disturbing. I do not miss 24. You know the show where Jack Bauer is off to save America, single-handily taking on all forms of terrorist evil. Then there is Criminal Minds, I have know idea why I'm obsessed with serial killers. Perhaps I just enjoy the pithy quotes that are thrown around during the show. Then I have to watch CSI Miami reruns. I can't stay awake to watch the new ones, but no fear A&E will keep them coming my way. On a lighter side I like Monk (which is ending after next season), Psych, and Burn Notice. (I'm not really sure those are lighter!)

One thing about television, besides stealing our time, is it is so mindless. I really don't have to think, that was until tonight's Criminal Minds. There is something dangerous about a program that ventures into religion. Mainly because it is nearly always portrayed in a bad light. So tonight on Criminal Minds, a priest was conducting exorcisms and the subjects were dying. Basically, it questioned is demon possession real. Personally, I believe it is and very present in today's society. The show made one statement that struck me, "You can't do this job and not believe that evil exists." I know that even in education I see my fair share of evil everyday.

Neil Postman once wrote, "The problem, in any case, does not reside in what people watch. The problem is in that we watch...". Television has a place, but sometimes we should turn to a good book.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Day at the Beach it Wasn't!

I got up at 4:30am. Went into the living room to make coffee, fell asleep in the recliner, woke up again at 5:45am. This wasn't a good start to my day.

The ride to work was foggy. I ended up being 5 minutes late for work, AGAIN. (Note to self-iron clothes at night.) Got to my room. One of the other teachers was really late, so I had 15 extra kids for 30 minutes. One of mine starts crying, doubles over in pain, and turns bright red all over. I immediately write her a nurses pass.

The inclusion class had no helpers today...just me! I had someone watch the class while I ran (literally) to the bathroom. While in the bathroom, I hear a horrible noise...wait...that is my room. I run out of the bathroom buttoning my pants as I go and get there in time to stop boy with a parole officer from hitting a girl. What!!!! I was out of the room maybe 2 minutes and the person watching the room was just that watching them.

At 11:00 I send another student home with a fever.

At lunch I realize I'm missing birthday boy's ice cream pass, so we take the scenic turnout to my box in hopes of finding the missing ice cream pass. Not there!!!! Oh well lunch is good, leftovers from Sunday.

We go out to recess and boy with parole officer hits two girls. What is going on today!!! I'm needing a break from boy with parole officer. Good we've got rotations this afternoon and he goes out!

We go to buses and teacher stops me and says she is writing up boy with parole officer for inappropriately touching yet another girl. My skin is starting to crawl at this point. CALGONE TAKE ME AWAY!! I click my heels three times, nothing happens I'm still there!

From there it is off to another faculty meeting! An hour and a half later I'm back in my room getting ready for a 5 o'clock conference...she doesn't show. I try to call another parent who has left me a message...she can't talk phone keeps going dead. Can I call her back at a more convenient time? Why not! Another parent calls, soon it is 6:00pm.

I gather up a crate of papers to grade and report cards to write. Drive back home. The night is young!

So goes the life of a teacher. I guess there are days like this even in Australia!

On a more serious note:

Continue to pray for my Kenneth. Hospice stayed all night and helped the grandmother get his mom settled. Kenny still doesn't know the end is near. I remember my own grandmother not being able to tell me what was coming. I also remember some dark years when I turned away from God, because if He would hear my prayers to heal her what was the point. Thankful God never left me during that time! Kenny needs to know, but how do I tell them the unknown is far worse than the known.

My friend Sandy's mom died when she was 8. Her mom had them sit her up in a rocking chair and bring her the girls. She talked to them about how God's plans were different for everybody, and this was God's plan for her. That she loved them dearly and didn't want them to ever blame God for what had happened. While they have always missed their mother, they had a beautiful gift from her.

Pray my Kenny's heart has understanding. Also, pray for boy with parole officer and me! Because this isn't Australia, but it is a very real day in Georgia.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Today was an unusual day at work, we had 4 baby showers at once. Seems that we have 4 collegues pregnant and one with twins. I don't think I've ever known of so many women in one place due at the same time. So it was an interesting end to the day.

This is report card and parent conference week, so the work load and tempers are overloaded right now. This too will pass. The funny thing was today when I went to the dentist he says, "Well, a short work week for you." People must think it is all party when we don't have kids. Unfortunately, it is all meetings. Thankfully there were no cavities.

I hated it being so dark this morning on my 30 minute ride into work, but loved coming home to so much light out. It had been dark when I left and dark when I got back. Light is more fun!

Tonight is 24. Does anyone else love that show as much as me! This season hasn't been the best to me, but I still love it!

I've got to make a project tonight as an example of something I need my kiddos today, and write letters to some great students for tomorrow. Tonight as you go to bed pray for Kenny's mom, they are going to try and move her home in the next couple of days with hospice care. Kenny is failing math at the moment and I've got to remedy the situation.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Heavenly Pie and more

We had a grand time today with our friends we've known forever, who now live in Georgia. I made way too much food. I could feed another 10 people! Yesterday, I managed to pull something in my back again. I couldn't sleep last night, finally got up and got in the chair and now feel like I my back is breaking in to!

On a brighter note Heavenly Pie has been the hit of the day so here is the recipe:

Heavenly Pie
1 large container Cool Whip
1/4 c. lemon juice
1 can condensed milk
1 small can crushed pineapple, drained
1 cup chopped pecans
2 graham cracker crusts
Combine milk and juice. Blend in pineapple and nuts. Fold in Cool Whip and pour in crusts. Chill several hours.
This will be a great dessert for Easter celebrations. Also, a Monday at work celebration!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Today is going to be a great day! I'm planning to cook for company that will come over after church tomorrow. These are friends we have had for about 20 years. I'm planning a spread. We will be having brisket, macaroni and cheese, hashbrown casserole, broccoli salad, pasta salad, baked beans, collard greens, and heavenly pie. It would probably be cheaper to take everyone out to eat, but where is the fun in that. Tomorrow I will produce a full account of the day.

So Happy Saturday to all. (Poor Gabe is still sick.)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Oh Me!

I don't like it when I become emotionally distraught at work. You know how you read everyone's blog and school is wonderful, the birds are singing, students are engaged in learning and all is well with the world.

My afternoon did not turn out like that today! Not even close!! We are experimenting with hour long rotations for CRCT practice in the afternoons. Well it seems that we managed that for 3 weeks, then we had a winter break, then there were all kinds of interruptions and we got off track. So we went out to play and then came back in. The kids wanted to read for 15 minutes again no problem. That was until another teacher sent me her disruptive student, but we continue on.

Then we get out the CRCT practice book. They get started. Great I can get a note off to Kenny's mom. See hospice is going to try and move her home by Monday. They will be there to control the pain. I had sent home a letter about parent conferences next week and I wanted her to know that we could just communicate by letter for awhile. I didn't want the family worried about parent conferences. It was that brief moment that things went south fast!

In waltz on of the Gifted students (I use the term loosely), who hadn't done her homework the night before and demanded a book. I think it was the tone of her voice that sent me over the edge. Or perhaps her teacher mom outside the door. Or course it was at that percise moment that the visiting problem child decided to disrupt any learning and get 4 of my students to join her. I've still got the letter to write, to deal with the disrespectful Gifted child, and her mother. I was more than a little upset with everyone involved. Oh yeah and today I tutor a 4th grader.

So needless to say my blood pressure was skyrocketing today! Finally, I decided to call the LSS who is also a friend. (I'd already fussed and carried on at F. who asked if I needed a double dose of Lexipro.) Anyway, LSS tells me that Gifted child is also dealing with a sick parent, who is basically terminal only it is a heart condition. Now add guilt to my roller coaster of emotion.

However, as you may know from my past experience with a parent dying when I was young, I don't take many excuses. We all have jobs to do...no matter our age. When my mother was sick, I was expected to go to school and do my best, work an afterschool job, and help out with her care. Kenny is doing his best in the absolute worse of circumstances (he sleeps on the floor by mom's bed in case she stops breathing he can get help, he is 11). Gifted child makes excuses for why she isn't doing her work (she had cheernastics and it was more important. I am sure mom is too exhausted to fight with her at this point).

So from all this I learned a lesson. I need to pray more and praise more. I am going to start writing letters to my students and letting them know how much I appreciate them. Finding at least one or two good things each day that they do outstanding and praising them. Now I must go and pray for Godly eyes to see them as He does! Let's hope by Monday afternoon, I'm having to polish their little halos!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Town is a very, very very small town

This was on the front page of the Monticello News today. I love Monticello and Jasper County. Doesn't the snow make it look like a postcard? (Oh by the way 5 days later there is still patches of snow!)


Aren't we just the luckiest people in the world when we have really good friends! I think I'm the luckiest person on the planet, because I've been really blessed with GREAT friends. I've always thought it funny (in an odd type of way) that God choose for me to grow up without family, but blessed me with an abundance of friends.

F. is a great friend. I'm always amazed at her thoughtfulness and giving spirit. I'm not very giving, but F. thinks of everything. She loves to send cards and give presents. For instance, I love my biscuit on Fridays...it is a celebration of sorts. I know another coworker that has enjoyed powered donuts from time to time.
This week F. has had my back. Mentally I just haven't felt like I was with it all week (I think I wanted more snow days). F has been a true friend standing up for me when I learned that my student with a new parole officer was coming back and no one had told me. Reminding me to fix something on my kids answer keys that I forgot to have them do. Helping me tutor 15 kiddos in the afternoon when she could be doing her own boatload of paperwork. Helping my spiritual side by gently reminding me to go to choir practice, even though I thought I'd fall out from exhaustion.
Yeap, everyone needs a wild and crazy friend like F.

But I'm the lucky one!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Writing Assessments

Today was the day of the state 5th grade writing assessment and I HATE it! State assessments have children write to a topic in one of three genres for two hours. How can this type of assessment understand that my autistic boy didn't write a sentence at the first of the year, now he can write three paragraphs. How can an assessment understand that a 5th grader with a parole officer is doing better than I dreamed possible. How can an assessment understand that Kenny can't write, but it is okay. You see Kenny's mom is dying and there are more important things on his mind today!

Wouldn't it be more realistic to have students keep a portfolio and send in their three best works at certain time in the year. Why do we have to put this kind of pressure on 5th graders! Eighth graders just write to an expository topic, but 5th graders have to write to THREE GENRES! Give me a break.

Don't get me wrong, I think my kids did pretty good today! They tried, they were prepared, and that is all I can ask! I love my class. Also, it isn't fair to test special ed kids like this. Especially EBD, there was an incident today when one of mine who is pulled out for accommodations shut himself up in the closet because he didn't like the prompt.

Well now that that is behind us we are going to have a lot of fun writing for the next few months. We are going to read for enjoyment Letter from Rifka, Number the Stars, Snow Treasures and a new book Twenty and Ten. I know they will learn a lot!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Twenty-five years is a long time! I had to laugh we were so young. In 1984 I didn't think of hiring a professional photographer, so we had my uncle, great uncle, and Dan's dad with Kodaks. Somedays I wish we had a professional, but its okay. I still have the dress.

Today my kids at school said I looked older than I do now. Boy are they wrong. Then Rhonda said Dan hadn't changed a bit!

Last year we did have a professional photographer do family pictures. So we now have a 25 year photo!

Today F gave us a gift card to dinner, so we left Gabe home alone and went out. To my favorite Mexican Restaurant, LaPirella. I was scrumptous!

Tonight we discussed the fact that the last five years have been extremely difficult and that we were blessed that our marriage has survived. Dan is sweet and says he wants to make up for those years. He doesn't need to. They were a learning and growing experience for us both. We are fortunate that God was continually watching over us and leading us during a very difficult time.

Here's to the next 25 years!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Dan and I both did horse shows on Saturday in different parts of the state. Matt had come home and we were hoping he would help Gabe with his science fair project. Only Matt goes with his old High School buds to the state basketball finals. This left us to start helping Gabe with the final steps of the Science Fair Project.

Sunday rolled around and Dan went to church and let me sleep in. Then it was back to work on the project. (Someone at the horse show asked me if we were doing this to get Gabe into Georgia Tech!) (Matt's contribution was that we needed to do this modern art looking boarder. I'm thinking I'm more type A personality than I thought, because it makes me CRAZY!)
Suddenly, F calls and asked if it is snowing. I said no! However, within an hour it started. Ever so lightly at first. Then the big ole flakes started to fall. Suddenly I was transported back 22 years to when we first lived in Colorado. The wilderness truly became a Winter Wonderland!

It snowed about 3 1/2". Then the true joy of living in the boonies came to pass, at 5:00 we lost power. At 8:00 I couldn't get warm, so went to bed. Then after midnight the power came on! Thankfully all of this lasted long enough for us to get a SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!

This is way better than the snow of '93.

Also today I'm joining the Slice of Life Challenge over at TwoWritingTeachers

I missed yesterday because of the power outage! We've already been without power again today!