Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Day at the Beach it Wasn't!

I got up at 4:30am. Went into the living room to make coffee, fell asleep in the recliner, woke up again at 5:45am. This wasn't a good start to my day.

The ride to work was foggy. I ended up being 5 minutes late for work, AGAIN. (Note to self-iron clothes at night.) Got to my room. One of the other teachers was really late, so I had 15 extra kids for 30 minutes. One of mine starts crying, doubles over in pain, and turns bright red all over. I immediately write her a nurses pass.

The inclusion class had no helpers today...just me! I had someone watch the class while I ran (literally) to the bathroom. While in the bathroom, I hear a horrible noise...wait...that is my room. I run out of the bathroom buttoning my pants as I go and get there in time to stop boy with a parole officer from hitting a girl. What!!!! I was out of the room maybe 2 minutes and the person watching the room was just that watching them.

At 11:00 I send another student home with a fever.

At lunch I realize I'm missing birthday boy's ice cream pass, so we take the scenic turnout to my box in hopes of finding the missing ice cream pass. Not there!!!! Oh well lunch is good, leftovers from Sunday.

We go out to recess and boy with parole officer hits two girls. What is going on today!!! I'm needing a break from boy with parole officer. Good we've got rotations this afternoon and he goes out!

We go to buses and teacher stops me and says she is writing up boy with parole officer for inappropriately touching yet another girl. My skin is starting to crawl at this point. CALGONE TAKE ME AWAY!! I click my heels three times, nothing happens I'm still there!

From there it is off to another faculty meeting! An hour and a half later I'm back in my room getting ready for a 5 o'clock conference...she doesn't show. I try to call another parent who has left me a message...she can't talk phone keeps going dead. Can I call her back at a more convenient time? Why not! Another parent calls, soon it is 6:00pm.

I gather up a crate of papers to grade and report cards to write. Drive back home. The night is young!

So goes the life of a teacher. I guess there are days like this even in Australia!

On a more serious note:

Continue to pray for my Kenneth. Hospice stayed all night and helped the grandmother get his mom settled. Kenny still doesn't know the end is near. I remember my own grandmother not being able to tell me what was coming. I also remember some dark years when I turned away from God, because if He would hear my prayers to heal her what was the point. Thankful God never left me during that time! Kenny needs to know, but how do I tell them the unknown is far worse than the known.

My friend Sandy's mom died when she was 8. Her mom had them sit her up in a rocking chair and bring her the girls. She talked to them about how God's plans were different for everybody, and this was God's plan for her. That she loved them dearly and didn't want them to ever blame God for what had happened. While they have always missed their mother, they had a beautiful gift from her.

Pray my Kenny's heart has understanding. Also, pray for boy with parole officer and me! Because this isn't Australia, but it is a very real day in Georgia.


Kelly Sandborn said...

I could 'see' you running from the bathroom; great show, don't tell writing. Your slice could help those who are not teachers (like my husband) to get an idea of what it is like to run a classroom. I've wondered myself about where God may have gone....faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you can not see. A special prayer will go out tonight for you and Kenneth and a troubled student. God Speed!

Tracey said...

I completely agree with Kelly-- the general public has little idea what a complex job teaching is. This year I'm mentoring a new teacher, and our conversations often remind me what a steep learning curve it is.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this slice. I hope it offered you some release just to put it all out there.
I hope life gets a bit easier for you soon.
I'm thinking of you and you charges,

Jane said...

Whoa, what a day. Thanks for sharing it. You have a big and important job.
Praying for Kenny and hoping that he gets the gift your friend Sandy was given by her mom.

GirlGriot said...

Wow, that was some day! I'm thinking of you -- and boy with parole officer :) -- and keeping Kenny and his family in my heart.

K2daK said...

Wow! What a day! Prayers for you, for Kenny, for THE BOY, and for you again.