Monday, March 9, 2009


Today was an unusual day at work, we had 4 baby showers at once. Seems that we have 4 collegues pregnant and one with twins. I don't think I've ever known of so many women in one place due at the same time. So it was an interesting end to the day.

This is report card and parent conference week, so the work load and tempers are overloaded right now. This too will pass. The funny thing was today when I went to the dentist he says, "Well, a short work week for you." People must think it is all party when we don't have kids. Unfortunately, it is all meetings. Thankfully there were no cavities.

I hated it being so dark this morning on my 30 minute ride into work, but loved coming home to so much light out. It had been dark when I left and dark when I got back. Light is more fun!

Tonight is 24. Does anyone else love that show as much as me! This season hasn't been the best to me, but I still love it!

I've got to make a project tonight as an example of something I need my kiddos today, and write letters to some great students for tomorrow. Tonight as you go to bed pray for Kenny's mom, they are going to try and move her home in the next couple of days with hospice care. Kenny is failing math at the moment and I've got to remedy the situation.


Sarah B. B. said...

Do you want me to come down & give KT some love? I don't want to make a huge deal, but if you think it'd help, let me know.

GirlGriot said...

One of my co-workers just had twins, and one of our teachers is due in about 6 weeks. Since moving into our building five years ago, we have always had at least one pregnant or nursing mom in the building. There was one year when we had two staff people and four students all give birth within two weeks of each other! In five years we've had ten staff babies (soon to be eleven!) and I don't know how many student babies! It's fun, but rough on my baby-knitting responsibilities!

My thoughts are with Kenny and his mom and family. He is lucky to have a teacher as caring as you.

K2daK said...

Wow that is a lot of pregnant people! Anyone I know? Just being nosey.