Tuesday, July 28, 2009


"A trip to nostalia now and then is good for the spirit."
(By: Dan Bartolovic)

Somehow yesterday turned into a cooking adventure down memory lane! It all started with the Zucchini Cake.

Matt planted some yellow squash and zuchinni plants. So we are starting to harvest. I'm not a huge zucchini fan, but remembered making zucchini cake with my Grandmother one day. My Grandmother was the best cook in the world! Especially when it came to cakes and pies. So my thoughts were on her and our many days in the kitchen cooking. Oh she would scold me for not making exact measurements and not sifting flour. The boys kept coming through going YUCK!

I had some leftover corn from Sunday night. When we were in Colorado there was an older couple that had us over for supper. We did that ALL the time in Colorado. I've never known what made it so different there, but everyone was always having people over. Anyway she fixed Fried Corn. Love it! It is corn cooked in bacon grease gravy, and then you crumble up the bacon! YUMMO!!!

Then there was the rest of the squash. Linda Lou (step mom) was the first in my life to piece by piece fry squash. There is nothing like it! As I was cooking it I wondered if after she is gone I'd ever be able to cook squash again.

No wonder these boys look like this.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

This Is My Life!

Dirty house, dissertation, squirting blood, furloughs with no pay, trip to Kentucky, no trip to Oklahoma and good friends. And you know what it is okay!!

I did clean the floors this morning; however, not so much on the garage yet! I've got to spruce up my research questions. I'm setting a goal of the end of August to finish Chapters 1 and 2, and have them with an editor.

The squirting blood is a little tougher! I can't get a pedicure, because I'm afraid that my leg might begin to squirt blood, it has something to do with being rubbed the wrong way literally!

Furloughs without pay are tougher. Matt lost all his scholarships and because of no car he can't get a job. Sooooooo! We've got to come up with all the money he needs apparently student loans thinks parents are able to come up with 1/2 of the expense. Also, Gabe has tuition due!

Trips...it was great to go to Kentucky and see Drew and Nicole. Drew called yesterday and had been offered a house to live in free of rent across from his work in exchange for some extra farm work. WOOHOO! Not going to Oklahoma bums me out. I want to go! I need to go! We'll see!

However, life is good when you have friends. Freda, Monkey, Nanci, and Oklahoma Brenda keep me grounded and laughing! Of course I've always thought I was married to the funniest man I've ever known. (Several of you just went what, but it is true. Drew called to see if we had gotten home from Kentucky and we were all laughing so hard we couldn't hardly talk! Drew mentioned that it was not a good idea to laugh like that when I was driving. Where would we be without grown children to take care of us.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


How can someone with basically 7 weeks off in the summer be stressed. Well you work 3of those weeks and your down to 4 weeks. About one and a half of those weeks are eaten before you start to feel like a human being again. Then before you know it you are down to 1 1/2 weeks. Which feeling the need to go to Oklahoma makes you think crazy thoughts...like "oh let me drive 900 miles, during the hottest time of the year." Now if you don't do this you are consumed with guilt! Oh wait!!!! I'm already carrying a buttload of guilt over not having my doctorate done...not having the garage cleaned out...not being a better planner with money...the list goes on....

So what will I do. This week I've got today to run errands. Tomorrow I've got to take Matt to Tifton. We won't be back till late. Thursday I've got to go to a state reading leadership conference. I come home on Saturday, wash clothes and go to Atlanta for a week. Wash clothes then go see Drew on his birthday.

I'm feeling the stress...and the guilt...and it is only July 7th...but August 3rd is a comin'.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Let Freedom Ring!!!

Remember how I want to find joy in my life. Well here are three reasons for joy! (I took picture my FR's facebook.) Each one of my guys are unique and fascinating in their own right! However, I know they are content to do nothing! Yet, they humor me and go to the fireworks every year. Not everyone can say that about their spouses and children. These guys work hard and sitting in the easy chair is their reward. Yesterday, they asked what were they suppose to eat and I said we were eating snacky foods at the fireworks...no one complained. They just trudge along; however I am going to have to get a new Bonnie Raitt CD! They know this one by heart and think that is a bit weird when guys can sing all the Bonnie Raitt tunes!!!!!!!!!!

I heart this bunch.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Greetings from the Hot Side!!!!!!!!

I do not understand these hot moments anymore. Used to be when you were hot, that was a very seductive type thing...this is not that type of hot. This is hot where it starts at your feet and moves to your head. At your head it appears that someone has opened a faucet, you could wring water out of your hair. This is not fun. Tonight it started as I was fixing supper...chicken pot pie. I should of skipped supper, except I feel that I must feed poor Dan.

Dan is working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week and this weekend will be off Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Whoooohooo!!! I'd like to go somewhere, but there's that teaching Sunday School thing!!

On the 9th I will leave for 8 days of meetings, come home to go to Drew's for his birthday, come home two days, and then off to Oklahoma. It will be crazy busy!!!!! I'll be back in time for school to start back!!!!!Whooohooo!

Well let the fun begin!!!!!!!!!!!!