Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Today Life Changes

Today Dan started a job that has nothing to do with horses. I think it is a good job, but after 25 years it will be different.

Today Kenny buried his mom. His life will be forever changes; however, I've never seen a child so loved.

Today I got an "N" on my yearly evaluation. Seems I've been late by 1 to 5 minutes since moving to the country and driving 3 miles of dirt roads. I will do better!

Today we had pizza for lunch. When you teach you either bring it from home or eat school lunches. So today on our way back to school from the funeral we brought back pizza. Everyone was happy.

Today a student ask me what my dreams are. Then followed it by "if you could do anything what would it be." For months I've been downtrodden over missing out on the joy of life, but you know what I've really have done all that I expected and wanted to do. Well almost...where is Chapter 2.

Today we had to do a presentation to the faculty. It went okay. I would like to do that more often.

Today starts a new time in my families life and I'm ready for a new adventure.


Tracey said...

I like your optimistic tone here-- great way to end the month.

Jane said...

I've enjoyed your slices this month and join with you in looking up as we head into a new month!

Letterpress said...

I read somewhere that it is much easier to remember the past (whether it just be reminiscing, or actually living in the past) than it is to visualize the future.

After raising my four children, getting my education, and "achieving," as you stated, most my life's milestones, I find it hard sometimes to think about what lies ahead--or more to the point, I find it hard to visualize that anything could lay ahead. I know it does, and certainly in ten years, I'll be looking back once again, but it's hard. I could really relate to what you wrote.

Thanks for your posts--I so enjoyed reading them. Keep writing!

Impulsive Addict said...

Your principal is a meanie. I don't like her/him for giving you an N. Would you like for me to come kick her/his bootie?

Bonnie K said...

Amazing isn't it, how many thing happen in a day and I love your poetic power here. Today...

Bonnie K said...

Let's keep writing and sharing,