Monday, March 23, 2009


Does anyone else get tired of doctors? Or perhaps this is just what getting older is all about. I swear I haven't felt really good in years (about the time I came to public school again). However, most days are good...I need to lose weight and that would help.

Yet, it is the aches and pains that keep me at the doctors office. Two weeks ago I changed my pharmacy, which should of been no big deal. But those tricky thyroid pills seem to always cause me trouble. Seems the pharmacist gave me a different generic and my sensitive thyroid has revolted. Somehow this is all tied to my legs being swollen to twice their size, they feel as if they will pop. So today I went to the doctor which means now I'm going to have an ultrasound on my legs and now take double lasix, plus another water pill and try to eliminate the water.

In a small town going to the doctor is no small thing. First, I have to have the appointment after school. I wanted 3:30, they said 4:45. I knew I'd be late, because someone always comes in afterschool or needs something, and I can't get away. One hour and fifteen minutes after I should of seen the doctor, she apears. She is very apologetic and says, "Things were going well till we had to call the ambulance. Then it was all down hill." Now this I can understand! My day is full of those type of trials.

I like the doctor, because I've taught her children she takes extra good care of me. I'm very lucky! While I probably don't need the ultrasound on my legs, at least she'll be sure and I'll know for sure it is the crazy thyroid medicine.

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