Monday, March 2, 2009


Dan and I both did horse shows on Saturday in different parts of the state. Matt had come home and we were hoping he would help Gabe with his science fair project. Only Matt goes with his old High School buds to the state basketball finals. This left us to start helping Gabe with the final steps of the Science Fair Project.

Sunday rolled around and Dan went to church and let me sleep in. Then it was back to work on the project. (Someone at the horse show asked me if we were doing this to get Gabe into Georgia Tech!) (Matt's contribution was that we needed to do this modern art looking boarder. I'm thinking I'm more type A personality than I thought, because it makes me CRAZY!)
Suddenly, F calls and asked if it is snowing. I said no! However, within an hour it started. Ever so lightly at first. Then the big ole flakes started to fall. Suddenly I was transported back 22 years to when we first lived in Colorado. The wilderness truly became a Winter Wonderland!

It snowed about 3 1/2". Then the true joy of living in the boonies came to pass, at 5:00 we lost power. At 8:00 I couldn't get warm, so went to bed. Then after midnight the power came on! Thankfully all of this lasted long enough for us to get a SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!

This is way better than the snow of '93.

Also today I'm joining the Slice of Life Challenge over at TwoWritingTeachers

I missed yesterday because of the power outage! We've already been without power again today!


K2daK said...

I agree that it was a nice snowy day!

Jane said...

Here in Wisconsin, we aren't rejoicing in snow anymore!

I was just reading a poem by Bobbi Katz:
March is when
a cheerleader
no longer
c a r t w h e e l s
inside your chest
because the forecast is

That's how we feel around here, but ENJOY YOUR SNOW!

GirlGriot said...

I kinda wish we'd only gotten 3 1/2 inches, but the almost-a-foot we did get does look pretty!

Hope your power stays steady and the science fair project is well received.

Monkey said...

I wonder why you didn't write that comment about staying home on my blog like you said you wanted to?? thought you would offend someone or something?