Thursday, March 5, 2009


Aren't we just the luckiest people in the world when we have really good friends! I think I'm the luckiest person on the planet, because I've been really blessed with GREAT friends. I've always thought it funny (in an odd type of way) that God choose for me to grow up without family, but blessed me with an abundance of friends.

F. is a great friend. I'm always amazed at her thoughtfulness and giving spirit. I'm not very giving, but F. thinks of everything. She loves to send cards and give presents. For instance, I love my biscuit on is a celebration of sorts. I know another coworker that has enjoyed powered donuts from time to time.
This week F. has had my back. Mentally I just haven't felt like I was with it all week (I think I wanted more snow days). F has been a true friend standing up for me when I learned that my student with a new parole officer was coming back and no one had told me. Reminding me to fix something on my kids answer keys that I forgot to have them do. Helping me tutor 15 kiddos in the afternoon when she could be doing her own boatload of paperwork. Helping my spiritual side by gently reminding me to go to choir practice, even though I thought I'd fall out from exhaustion.
Yeap, everyone needs a wild and crazy friend like F.

But I'm the lucky one!


Jane said...

Yes you are blessed with a good friend like F! Friends are SO important, I agree!

Anonymous said...

I think we make a GREAT couple! The areas I am weak in (and there are sooo many) you alays find a way to make me feel successful (except for the "writing" thing).


Monkey said...

You are definitely the lucky one!! I am fortunate enough to have a Julie and everyone should have a Julie! You are quite lucky to have a Freda, aside from Julie and mom, I don't have anyone that takes as good of care of me as Freda does for you. Hold onto her tightly, so that nobody snatches her away! :) Fortunately for me, I get to sometimes have some Freda too...powdered donuts, goodies after a wisdom teeth surgery, hugs(I have to sneak those in every now and then) and all! BIG SMILES TO THAT!! I LOVE me some Reese cup!