Monday, August 7, 2023

Ecclesiastes 12:1

 I am one of those unique individuals who trouble came in my youth. At 14, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, by 18 she was dead. Mine was not a typical youth; however, I was taught from birth that there is a God who made me for His purpose and His plan for my life.

So whether good times or bad the one thing we can count on young or old is time flies by. Erma Bombeck said, "Time, it hangs heavy for the bored, eludes the busy, flies by for the young, and runs out for the aged.” Most of us understand the brevity of life.
Of course we all know, that no matter our age, time is passing. Now in the sunset of life I sometimes contemplate my earlier days and decisions. The Teacher is telling us, "Beware of allowing the best years of your life to pass while you’re waiting for them to begin."
I was so guilty of this in my 20's and 30's. Sometimes I look back and think, "I wish I'd of enjoyed this or that more."
But Begg's says of this verse we are being called to know God more. He says it like this,, "Okay. “Remember your Creator.” Know him, love him, serve him as your highest joy."
It is wise then for us to number our days. The psalmist, in Psalm 90, says, “Teach us to number our days aright, [so] that we might gain a heart of wisdom.”
Then, my friend, we have circled back to the age old question, "What are you going to do with Jesus?" All of scripture points to Him. Without Him our lives are as the Teacher says, "Meaningless." And that might be the saddest end of all.

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