Sunday, March 25, 2012

March 25

This week I've seen God move in two very distinct ways.  Each one was one of those moments when you knew it had to be Him.

First, on Thursday night we were doing the Reader of the Year awards for our county.  I had this sneaking feeling that there might be a problem with the certificates, but thought "no I have to let others help."  Well the one in charge of certificates didn't do them a miss communication type thing.  Anyway, we were at the county offices and our schools former records keeper works there.  It was after 5, the program started at 6, and she leaves at 5.  I told someone I thought I saw Fay and went running that direction.  I look out to see Fay at her car, she stops dead in her tracks, and turns around and comes back in the building.  Fay stayed and got 20 certificates printed.  Saved the evening and we were so thankful.

Then yesterday.  I've been struggling with my legs since I fractured the right one in November.  They swell and are achy.  Most days it is all I can do to get around and the pain just radiates throughout my body.  Well I went and did summer school and since we only have one vehicle I called to check in with hubby.  I told him I was planning on going and getting an ionic footbath to see if it would help my legs.  He said, fine, "WE can go together to run my errands."  I wanted to cry!  I have no energy and the pain is overbearing (mind you I see a lot of doctors and no one can answer this question).  Anyway, I started praying as I prayed I told God how I didn't want to live this way and that Monday I would go and get refered for gastric bypass surgery.  Mainly, because the doctors blame the weight, but won't find out why I can't loose it.  Anyway....when I get to the ionic footbath place, the woman notices my swollen legs and says, "I think I can help you."  Now I'm all about holistic medicine, so I listened as she explained an herb called moranga.  We talked and she said, "If you will work with me and let me figure out your dosage, I think I can help."  Then she gave me a small vial to drink.  When I got home my husband could not believe the difference in how I looked.  I couldn't believe the difference in how I felt. 

We shall see.  Was this woman sent from God to help me?  I choose to think yes.  I will keep you updated.


elsie said...

God does work in mysterious ways. Too often we don't notice his work. I'm glad you spied it in your life this week. I hope you get relief with your legs.

Jaana said...

Isn't it wonderul to see God working in everyday things and events in and through ourlives!

jenb. said...

I enjoy reading about the place God may show up in other peoples' lives. Both because it reminds me to keep watching closely for where He is in mine, and because it makes me thankful that there are people out there to look to when I can't seem to see Him! :)

Amanda said...

Beautiful - isn't it so precious when we see the hand of God at work in our ordinary lives? I wish the best for you and hope the relief you found is just the beginning of something longer!