Sunday, March 18, 2012

March 18

It is a dirty little word that no one talks about...Menopause.

I am at that magical age and guess what it is no fun.  Put me in a room full of people who are sucking all the air out of said room and I'll break into a sweat that resembles a shower.  I've gained weight.  I look at food and it goes to my stomach.  I'm exhausted. (well I was probably that before.)  Anyway, you get my drift.

I have no female relatives to ask.  Right now this sweating thing is getting embarrassing.  Went to the doctor last month and he says, "So how's the sweating.  Getting better?"  I scream no.  He smiles and keeps writing.  See part of the problem is when your mother dies at an extremely young age of breast cancer.  And specialist noted that her cancer was estrogen based, doctors tell you that they can't put you on any hormones.  You have to do this natural.  I understood natural childbirth, but natural menopause.  Who does this??????

Since I really would of liked to be a rockstar this quote fits. "Rock and menopause do not mix. It is not good, it sucks and every day I fight it to the death, or, at the very least, not let it take me over."   Stevie Nicks

So until that day when this passes. I will Rock On!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

God bless you sistah.

I had to have a complete hysterectomy due to tumors and RAGE.

Best. Thing. I. Evah. Did.

I wish you peace, deodorant, calm.
Rock it, sistah.

Anonymous said...

My mom said that is the only time in her life where she really thought she wanted to kill herself. It was the hot flashes at night and it was awful.

I feel for you. I'm not looking forward to my own Like Mother Like Daughter experience.

Best of luck!

Dana said...

I couldn't help but laugh. I know it's a serious topic but you told it with a punchy humor that I really enjoyed. I couldn't help but thing of my coworker (we share a classroom along with 3 other adults). She is ALWAYS hot and I am almost always cold. She's going through menopause. I think she'd like to smack me every time I complain the room is cold. ;)

Julie said...

I HEAR YA!!! I also had to go into this season of life knowing I had to do it naturally. Not sure if that helped but I think knowing I couldn't take anything made me go into it with a determined frame of mind. Anyway, I'm through the worst of it but the night sweats continue. Wish I could pass along some things that helped, but I never found any.