Tuesday, April 20, 2010

If it weren't for Bad News...

...there'd be no news at all.

A very depressing day here in GA. Makes you wish you "had your toes in the ocean and your ass in a chair."

Last night the School Board held an open forum meeting and trust me things are bad. There is talk of cutting all the fine arts out of schools to save money. Our district is about 1.9 million in the hole. This is nothing compared to other counties. Our budget cuts are fixing to go deep to make up the deficit. UUGGHH! Not fun. Of course, I guess the only place individuals can make up the deep cuts to our paycheck is in the grocery store, and I don't think that's going to happen.

Today while I was giving that infernal CRCT a friend left me a voice mail. I looked at the number and knew it was not going to be good news, but I never expected what she said. A good friend of ours from over in Augusta was going into his pawn shop yesterday morning and interupted a robbery in progress. They shot him several times and killed him. One of the nicest men around. It was shocking.

Then when I got home the doctor's office called and said we needed to talk about a test I'm scheduled to take next week and my insurance. What??? Trust me if they are wanting $500 I won't be taking the test.

So in honor of all the misery. I'm making roasted chicken, roasted carrots, and squash casserole. Bon appetit! Oh yes, and I've opened a bottle of wine!


Beth said...

My sympathies...we are suffering the same things here in Michigan. I'm with you - just had a great dinner & drinks with a fellow pink-slipped teacher! Hang in there! --Beth

Amanda Villagómez said...

What a stressful time for so many schools! I hope that your district is able to find solutions to minimize overall impact on students.

Lynnelle said...

We had our big budget meeting today too. Hoping your test goes well and lifting you up!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to read about your friend. It's never an easy thing to hear about a senseless death and budget cuts don't make it any easier. Things are bad everywhere.

jenbaum said...

ugh... I don't even have words to comfort you with, but I feel some of your pains. Isn't it ironic how it always seems to hit at once???? I am so sorry to hear how heavy life is for you right now!

Stacey said...

Sounds like a really rough day. I hope your week has looked up since you wrote this.

Relyn Lawson said...

I know just what you mean. Budget cuts everywhere. So far, no talk of loosing our arts programs yet. Thank God. Will be thinking of you all.