Sunday, April 18, 2010


Today SIL posted on FB that she didn't know what to do, because two year old would not sit in the chair to get his hair cut without throwing a fit. I suggested MeMe (Her MIL who was a beautician) and that I sat with mine in the chair and it worked out okay. Then...

Her friends started posting. They had the same trouble...what to do. They would have their mothers take them, plan sneak attacks during nap time, etc....

At this point I danced around the computer saying thank you Jesus that I am 50! That I spanked my kids to make them mind. And (holding breath....) it freakin' worked. And...they did not grow up to be drug dealers or child abusers. They are professional, college graduates, types....

Dear Jesus how did we all survive with mothers and fathers who believed in spankings........perhaps young ones you should check out the BOOK again.

1 comment:

Monkey said...

We had a serious discussion on this matter when leaving from taking pics for some Decatur-ites not long ago...when did it become that you have NO down time in life either because you are rushing your kids to swim lessons, dance, soccer, softball??? can't you choose ONE thing to do for your kiddos to be socially OK?! People are running themselves ragged and not spanking, etc...we had spankin's and Sesame Sreet and we turned out just dandy!! There's got to be books already written about what is happening here.