Saturday, August 15, 2009

Another Year Begins!

August in the South is all about new beginnings. Schools start, older kids go back to college, and it is football time again.

I've beenn working since the 3rd. I'm teaching what they call an EIP class. This is the lowest of the low (that do not have an IEP). It's a tough group, but as I watched them this week my heart broke. They struggled...I saw 10 and 11 year olds who have been beaten down by years of failure. How in the world can you be beaten down by failure at 10 and 11 years of age. For the most part they are immature. They struggle to be quiet or sit in a seat. I do have an extra teacher every afternoon and this week we have worked to sit benchmarks. May God bless this little group of kids.

Also, Matt goes back to college. I know he is ready. This summer with us working like we have has been like prison for him with no license. I hope that he concentrates on his grades for this semester. Also, because he can't drive to a job, his spending is slashed to the bone.

I'm thankful that God gave Dan a job! These are hard times and we couldn't do the best for our own kids without Dan having a job to support their major needs.

In a few days Gabe will be 13. Yesterday he said he was moving into "older boyhood". I said no you'll be a teenager. Hard words for a momma to say!!!

Life is full at our house. Still revising Chapter 1 and working on Chapter 2. Let's hope by October I can have the first 3 ready for approval.

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