Tuesday, July 7, 2009


How can someone with basically 7 weeks off in the summer be stressed. Well you work 3of those weeks and your down to 4 weeks. About one and a half of those weeks are eaten before you start to feel like a human being again. Then before you know it you are down to 1 1/2 weeks. Which feeling the need to go to Oklahoma makes you think crazy thoughts...like "oh let me drive 900 miles, during the hottest time of the year." Now if you don't do this you are consumed with guilt! Oh wait!!!! I'm already carrying a buttload of guilt over not having my doctorate done...not having the garage cleaned out...not being a better planner with money...the list goes on....

So what will I do. This week I've got today to run errands. Tomorrow I've got to take Matt to Tifton. We won't be back till late. Thursday I've got to go to a state reading leadership conference. I come home on Saturday, wash clothes and go to Atlanta for a week. Wash clothes then go see Drew on his birthday.

I'm feeling the stress...and the guilt...and it is only July 7th...but August 3rd is a comin'.


Impulsive Addict said...

Ah...that joys of being a teacher! I don't miss the stress...I just miss teaching the kids! =(

Jane said...

Oh dear Lennye,
I hope you can find some much needed time this summer to just sit and relax. What a whirlwind you are in right now.