Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Why We Don't Do Vacations

This occurred to me today. We don't take vacations because we pay a fortune to send last child to private school. There are times I think this is a waste, and then others times I think it is an investment. For my little man that is now about 5'10" I think it is best choice. (Now don't be hating on me for teaching in public and sending said child to private. I can't work and homeschool)

However, for what I pay in bus fees, fundraisers, and tuition. We could take TWO family cruises per year. Or we could go to the beach, rent a house and eat out 4 weeks out of the year. We could go to Oklahoma, Minnesota, the Grand Canyon, Washington DC and New York City in one year. Or I can stay the course and give him an education.

I think I'll pick the education. So for now this will have to wait!

One day when he is a successful engineer I'll see NYC.

1 comment:

K2daK said...

We have opted for education too for the oldest one. It keeps me from a lot including staying at my present job, gotta go back to public school so we can afford to keep him in a montessori school...we are have aide to help out. I don't look at mine as a vacation more like a new car payment or new shoes, or glasses, contacts, clothes, eating out more, gym membership, coffee more often out, I can go on and on and on. It is amazing what we do for our children. :)