Monday, May 25, 2009

TOY Questionaire

Okay right after they tell you that you are teacher of the year and you get you $50. Then you are told that you have one week to answer a questionaire with six questions. Now this seems simple, but I've been writing all day!

Question 1: What were the factors that influenced you to become a teacher? Now how do you answer that. I'm now on the third rewrite. I was the product of a teen marriage. Raised by my grandmother and by age 14 I was taking care of a sick mother. Folks I learned a lot. I learned complaining doesn't change things. I learned that sometimes there are jobs you don't want to do, but you are the only one who can do it. I learned that when life throws lemons at you, make lemonade. I learned something about being a teacher from every teacher I ever had. Whether it was something to do or not to do. I learned that sometimes a teacher is there to help you make major life adjustments. (I don't think I'm doing good on answering question 1).

Question 6 also has me stumped: Describe your personal beliefs about teaching, including your own ideas of what makes you an outstanding teacher. I believe that if you think you are an outstanding teacher you probably aren't!

I believe I'll cook supper and look at this again tomorrow night.

1 comment:

K2daK said...

#6 is a booger question...I tend to think that too. However, you could put something about constantly learning (not just in your own schooling) because once someone stops learning what's the point? Maybe that will help. :) Good luck!