Thursday, May 28, 2009

Guess What?

One more day of school! Now that is cause to celebrate!!!! We had the "Movin' On" Ceremony today, report cards are done. I intend to enjoy tomorrow.

Check out Pioneer Woman on her trip to New York to make more money! Life is so funny that way. If you have money, it seems you can make more easier than the rest of us.

On the other hand D and I are crazy. A couple of weeks ago he got asked to judge a horse show in Florida. No biggie...$500 pay check...go for it. Then this week he has worked 12 hour days, every day, leaves the house at 5:45 and gets back at 8:00. Plus it is hotter than hades in the plant right now and humid. Then there is me...the crazy one...who has the TOTY paper to finish, chapter 2 that has to be done this summer...and I decided to teach summer school, because we need the money.

Now the biggie this weekend will I working tomorrow and then driving Dan to Florida at 9:00pm so he can sleep on the way...or is he taking Matt. You remember 19 year old son who lost his license from speeding through Alabama...and now I feel sorry for and have to air him out regularly. Oh and let's not forget Gabe who is stuck in the house as well now...while I work and D works unreal hours.

How come the one person who would like to be stuck in the house alone for days (me) never gets to do it?

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