Wednesday, May 20, 2009


This is pretty much me right now. I'm not mad at anyone in particular...just the hell life will be for the next six months!!!!!!!!
Remember middle son's spring break in Mississippi. Remember middle son's ticket in Alabama. Now middle son's license has been suspended for six months because unless you are over 21 you can only have 4 points on your driver's license. Seems that he managed to acquire the magical number while flying through Alabama, when he was stopped by some backwoods country law.
So for the next 6 months he will be dependent on us. He is in North Carolina and needs to come home before said license expires. He will be pissed and moody. I will have to put up with his mood and his dad's bad mood because he is pouty and moody.
So I'm pissed!!!!!!!!!!! Why is it that happiness and elation can only live here for about 24 hours before being rooted out by something dark and mysterious? UUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHH.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Gotta sell that kid for money. :)