Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Aspertame is it safe or not? I'm on the fourth day of an experiment of no diet sodas. It isn't easy! Right now I woke up woosy, but after eating I feel a little better. The fluid retention in my legs has gone down considerably. I did visit the chiropractor yesterday to get my spine aligned, so it is still painful in my hip joint area.

I'm concentrating this week on giving up the sodas. I did check out Snoopes.com and they belief most of the stuff we hear about aspertame being harmful is false. I realize that many of my physical symptoms could be tied to a life of stress, but I feel the need to double check the aspertame thing. I did notice that after heavy Pepsi Max drinking for a month (that bit of ginsing helped), I was starting to feel worse, especially with the swelling.

Anyway on day 4 the biggest difference is my legs aren't as swollen and the veins are looking better.


Monkey said...

just some stuff I found on a quick google search




Read Skinny Bitch...you don't have to believe everything they write, but a lot of it makes complete sense. I slowly kill my body with the regular drinks...two a day max. No diet, stuff tastes nasty.

Letterpress said...

I can't stand aspartame--it leaves a nasty taste in my mouth, so I avoid it like the plague. I also stay away from too many colas and fizzy drinks and just swallowing my calories in general. I had to face up to the fact that I'm way past the spring chicken phase and way into sedentary. Some things had to go!

Good luck with the aspartame purge--hope it helps!