Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Aspertame Update

Okay I am now at Day 5 of the experiement. My legs continue to show improve both with swelling and veins. This morning I noticed something new that I hope is a BLESSED thing, my hips did not hurt as bad last night. On a scale of 1 to 10, the pain at night is a 10; last night I'd give it a 7! I've gone to numerous doctors, had shots, pills, and all kinds of stuff, nothing has helped. So in my mind if getting off the aspertame has helped my back and hips I'm ECSTATIC!

Be sure and check out the links that MG left on my last post. They are very insightful. Is it true or a hoax? I don't know, hence the need to experiment. However, if I continue to feel better I'm going to assume the aspertame had something to do with it.

Now for my failures. We are at Day 5 of a 9 day break and I haven't read anything or written on Chapter 2. Writing for me is a tough thing. There has to be NO distractions and there are always distractions. The house isn't clean. There is laundry to do. Horseshow business. Children Issues. School Work not finished. All of these are constantly on my mind, but I'm going to try and knock things out.

Yesterday I did pick up a new pair of glasses. I kinda felt like when "Auther Got Glassess", so this is what words look like to other folks.

1 comment:

Bonnie K said...

Bravo Lennye,
It's the challenge that counts.