Sunday, February 15, 2009

Still Looking

I'm still looking for the perfect love song after 25 years of marriage. Why you might ask? I like to avoid hard work, so this is how I pass my time! So far George Strait's "Carried Away" is at the top of the list. What can I say...

I cut my finger at lunch today when I was cutting a lemon. It has bleed all day. I've changed bandages now three times. I swear this cut isn't an eighth of an inch. It is teensy!!!

I can't take off my clothes because the youth group is doing a drive by tonight and getting Gabe for the "Midnight Munchies". I'm impressed anytime anyone wants to drop in out here in the country. However, Gabe is the first one they are picking up and they will be here really early. So I'm not sure how to get him into his sweats right now. This wouldn't be a good night to sleep in the boxers only!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow F wants to take me out. How sweet is that!!!!! For lunch and a movie, we are also going to fit in her mammogram. Got mine last month!!

1 comment:

Relyn Lawson said...

Oh. I have SO many favorite love songs. I'll share. Of course, none of them are perfect, but I love them. Oh, you know what? Stop by my blog soon. You've just inspired a post.