Monday, February 16, 2009


Today while I was out with F enjoying Day 1 of Winter Break. We were having a lovely carefree day full of my favorite things Starbucks coffee, Mexican Food, a movie (Bride Wars), and some shopping. While I was out living it up trouble landed at our house. Dan and Gabe were finishing up the science fair project and the camera broke! We only have pics of the K Truss. Of course being men they did not wait for another camera, they just kept right on experimenting! Unfortunately, that makes it hard for me to make the backboard. Apparently Dan has an idea.

Anyway, I guess I'll be looking for a new camera in the next few months. Any suggestions and no I can't afford a Nikon D60!


Monkey said...

A broken camera breaks my heart. :( One cannot be without a camera. I will look up some that I've heard are nice...nice without breaking the bank too badly! I'll get back with you...and Nikon isn't the end all be all...this house and Nat's house are full of Canon women! :)

Sarah B. B. said...

Love my Canon PowerShot - it's an investment, but worth it... Not nearly as much of an investment as Monkey's or Nat's, though.