Thursday, February 19, 2009

Life in the country

Well, last night we lost power at about 6:50pm. We were eating supper. Then it started to hail and rain real hard. Little did we know...this morning Wayne called Dan to check on us, seems a tornado had touched down just a few miles away. So that's why those sirens were going off!! If you come down 36 going into Covington, the path is clear. It hit right at the High Point Community and then touched down about half way down Henderson Mill Road. According to the news it was jumping its way through Spalding, Newton, Jasper and Putnam Counties last night. F said Ricky was sent out at 9:30pm to Eatonton.

Now being from Oklahoma, I don't have much fear of the weather. Gabe who wasn't born in Oklahoma has an insane fear of the weather! My Daddy has an unbelievable fear of the weather. If someone could explain to me how a kid who has never been around their grandfather can have the same fears. It must be inherited and skips a generation. I was outside talking on the cell phone. Finally, went to bed to read (holding a flashlight) with the door open to my screened in porch.

Thankfully we are still alive and well.

1 comment:

K2daK said...

Whew, glad everyone is safe!

My dad used to take me out on the porch to watch the storm, we would stay out there for a long time and watch the storm. He would tap me on the shoulder when it got too bad to be outside, I am not afraid of storms. But last night we were laying in the tub ready with the flashlight. :)