Monday, November 17, 2008


Tomorrow night we will spend in our new house. There is still cleaning and more stuff to move from here. Obviously, over the last four years we were in here like sardines!

Tonight I went to the doctor and she thinks I may have an absess behind my tonsil. She put me on a high power antibiotic and is getting me a fast tract ticket to an ENT. At best she is hoping the antibiotic will make some difference. She asked if I could sleep and I said no, not since the strep throat three weeks ago. She said no wonder, she had never seen a tonsil that big. Thanks! While there I mentioned my crying weekend and asked if having given up birth control pills after 10 years could be a reason, and having my thyroid medicine doseage lowered. She said I'd be a canidate for out of control emotions.

God was good today. I met N early this morning and told her how it seemed to me. There were things she didn't know that had she known she wouldn't have gotten involved. I know that it was prayer and that diffused the situation. I need to at least debrief the paras twice a week and make sure we are all working together and not separate.

After the doctor, we headed to Target! I got a rug for the living room (not something forever, but will last out the couch!) Also, a bed skirt, a mattress cover, two throw pillows, two door rugs, and a bionicle.


Sarah B. B. said...

Congrats on sleeping in the new house! YAY! I'm glad you picked up some new things for the new house, but I am curious as to who really wanted the Bionicle... Hmmm... Glad things went better with N, as well, and that you have some peace with that situation. Love you!

K2daK said...

I am going to have to Google a bionicle...I feel lost.

Hopefully your medicine will allow you to actually sleep in your new house. :)