Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Happy Birthday to GABE!

Today, this boy is 12 years old, but he will always be my baby!

From Mom and Dad he got this nifty DS game. Isn't it odd that this boy can beat a game in two days, but can't remember to turn in his homework! At twelve, on his own, he has read To Kill a Mockingbird, but can't remember to use the (.) instead of the (x) sign.
This boy has a roommate named ---Matt. Today he got more scholarship money and made a trip to the college book store, so he is happy. However, he has no job yet. This boy will have a birthday next week.
None of these boys should be confused with this boy who has a job. He is now the new broodmare manager and has a chance at a great career, even if he never goes back to school. However, I think he is around too many vets not to go back.

Note the boy on the right appears to be a camera hog!


GirlGriot said...

Lennye, your son looks so happy on his birthday! (Hurray for Virgo kids, says this Virgo kid!) And hurray for kids who read one of my all time favorite books! How did he like it?

Anonymous said...

I love birthday-related slices. They're the best!

Monkey said...

I remember Mario Kart for Super Nintendo...totally rocked...very fun to play with friends. I need to buy Mario Kart for the Wii and all y'all ladies can come over and race and feel like kids again! :) Happy Birthday to Gabe and Congrats to the older guys! :)