Thursday, July 24, 2008


That is the question I asked myself this morning as I slowly sunk into a sea of depression. Summer is almost over and I feel like I've been sick most of the summer. This back thing is ridiculous. It seems like someone could give me a shot or something.

I've wasted many hours worrying about money. This is the one thing that I have absolutely no control over. Dan is trying (I know when you don't understand what it is he does, it is hard to see this). This is the area where God is going to have to step in and open doors.

It is time to go back to work. I love teaching, but I'm so tired all the time! Perhaps this comes from my mental state.

Then there is the problem of this dissertation. I don't know. It has all been okay till now. Perhaps it is because my mind is so fractured these days. So today I wrote my chair, now she has taken a very hands off approach to this. So I whined and asked how she stayed focused. She said something valuable, "Write down why you want this and look at it every day. Then start rewarding yourself for doing small things." I don't see any rewards, but I like the advise. I need to be reminded daily why I'm doing this. For me it has been a life long dream, the money will be nice, but it always goes back to making a difference.

So I must stop asking why and moping over the way things are and move forward.


Sarah B. B. said...

Probably right to stop moping, but sometimes you have to wallow a bit to appreciate what you really have. Her advice actually sounds good (shockingly enough), so take it & run with it! You can do it! :)

Monkey said...

Take her advice...sounds pretty good. Hang in there and try to take things one step at a time...also make a list of the things you HAVE accomplished each day and you will feel good---even if it's something that you've done for yourself, surely you will look back on it and figure it was worth it. I always get in this same type of funk right before going back, because I just love the freedom so much...and getting to do all the things I WANT to do and not having a whole bunch of things I HAVE to do piled on top of me.