Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thoughts Appreciated

Greetings in the early morning hours. Yes, I had an old fashioned nightmare and sat straight up in bed at 4am. There was no returning to sleep after that. However, getting up at 4am is not new to me!

Anyway I needed some thoughts from my buds today. Have any of you heard of the book Have You Filled A Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud. (You can find out more here). I am captivated by the thought that we teach children to encourage one another. It is a biblical principal with life changing ramifications. Now to help I need you to check out the Website.

Okay, good your back. Now how am I going to do this? I'm getting the book, but I want to know how to set up the bulletin board. We have that long board, I've already divided it into half. I want one half to be Mountain Language and the other half writing samples (but I could use it for the buckets.) There were sample BB's on the web page, but not what I'm thinking.

Let me know! I'm anxious to hear your opinions. Also, it might take a village to figure out how I'm getting 28 large bodies in this room! Stop by next week and see me!!!!


K2daK said...

I like that idea and might even use it in my room this year. Thanks for sharing! It might take some time, but maybe you could make paper buckets and like pocket them out. (make sense?) I am thinking-are you all changing out classes? What type of desks will you have? If you had the desks with the bottom part that holds the desk (not the kind you had at the old school with the basket on the bottom) you could even tape & do the pocket style bucket on the desks-but on the sides. I will try to think of some other ideas. I hope you do this!

Sarah B. B. said...

That is interesting - that group you have coming to you is generally quite sweet and should be responsive to the idea, especially if you get it going right off the bat - procedures, procedures, procedures. :)