Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Slice of Life Challenge Chapter 2

I know everyone is probably getting tired of me writing about the pictures and being sentimental, but for some reason I can't help it! Yesterday I found this quote:

"Every man's work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or anything else, is always a portrait of himself, and the more he tries to conceal himself the more clearly will his character appear in spite of himself." - Samuel Butler

I am married to the world's quietest man. When they say opposites attract they were so right. Dan just doesn't say a lot, never has, he carries everything deep inside. In December, Dan turned 50, and then in January his business started going downhill rapidly. Dan trains horses, more specifically cutting horses. The horse business is highly connected to the economy. When times are good, business is good and vise versa. Needless, to say the economy is BAD right now, so business is really bad! Dan has tried to hold on and I know that he worries daily about what could a 50 year old horse trainer do.

In my limited understanding of men, I know that their work defines who they are, their worth as a human. So you can imagine how Dan's mental health is at this point in time. (Plus, he was in a terrible car wreck in September that involved a fatality. It wasn't his fault, but it is something he has to deal with.) So when Monkey took this picture the other day, my eyes filled with tears.

See this is Dan's masterpiece! Not his work, but who he is as a great father and husband. The older boys have spent a lot of time working side by side with their dad and he has had a remarkable impact on who they are as men. Both boys have a strong work ethic and a strong faith in God. (They also have their mother's sense of humor!) So to me this picture says it all, it doesn't matter so much what you do for a living, or where you live. What matters is who you are as a person! While my man may be struggling with his work, and may never be successful in the ways the world measures success; he has been very successful in the eyes of his family and that is what really matters.


Anonymous said...

That photo says a lot and captures a lot of emotion and connection. It's a nice treasure to hold.

Sarah B. B. said...

GAAAAH, woman - no fair making us cry before noon! :) You should really make him sit down & read what you wrote, by the way.

Monkey said...

I don't mind seeing the pictures and hearing about them! ha! Maybe I'm partial right?! ;) I loved your story, it is very sweet! Once again, I'm glad that I was able to do those pictures for you. If someone is tired of looking at them, they know how to exit right? :)

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

This is a very sweet post. I like people's pictures.

BK said...

I can so relate when it comes to my man's sense of worth totally tied to his sense of himself as a doctor. Even retired, he is working as a doctor and really can't be without a few days of doctoring, now without taking a salary for his efforts.
You are sharing very serious, honest pieces. Keep them coming,