Monday, June 16, 2008

Family Photos Part 2

In case you haven't looked over at you will find more family photos. I continue to look over these photos and I'm totally blown away. They are all so good! Here are a couple of others that we LOVE!

I don't know why but I'm lovin' me some family pictures. I'm seeing a family photo on the Christmas card this year. If I use my CVS extra care points I should be able to accomplish this for free!

1 comment:

Monkey said...

Ok, I'm teaching you something new today...I think you will like it. Whenever you want to put in a link...say you are mentioning a favorite website like the writing teacher's or if you want to refer back to write something like Monkey's blog highlight it with your mouse and then go over to the symbol next to the italics block and hit that symbol. When the little box pops up, you either type in the web address you are trying to send people to or you copy and paste it in will appear as some html mumbo jumbo, but when you publish your post and view it on your blog, you and everyone else should be able to hit it and go where you told it to take them. I think you are going to love this wonderful feature! :) :)