Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Yesterday, SBB and Monkey dropped by for a sweet visit. SBB brought over a lot of books on writing instruction. So it looks like Chapter 2 will soon be moving forward again! However, until the movement forward occurs, I some new frivilous reading material:
Yes, it is true I love Andrew Greeley's Nuala Anne McGrail Series. I've read them all! In these books there are usually two story lines going on at once, but I still like them.
Also, in my spare time, I'm cooking. Matt asked yesterday if I was running a baking service. I sent two cakes out to friends and made a big one for us. Then I made Chicken Casserole from this cookbook:

It didn't have all the veggies in it, but let me tell you my group went crazy. They did everything but lick the pan clean. Matt said it was his new favorite thing to eat and could we have it more often! Originally, I had planned to send a casserole over with the cakes Matt delivered, but having to stop in the middle of things and go to therapy on my foot slowed me down.
So far I've made the coleslaw, the chicken casserole, and the black bean lasagna out of this cookbook; MeMe made the meatloaf and all are wonderful. I've got to call her today and tell her to make the casserole. Also, if you have not made the Cowgirl Salad over at PW you are missing a treat. It is a meal in itself. I think I'm taking it to the next church cookout.
Well happy reading, cooking, and resting today!

1 comment:

Monkey said...

Julie says she really wants the recipe for the cake you were baking yesterday, because Sarah and I were telling she and Lindsey how awesome it smelled! So please send this way!