Saturday, June 14, 2008


Around 3pm I thought my hopes of family pictures were going to be dashed, but Monkey and Bean said we were going ahead. I'm so glad we did. I know we got some great shots. I can't wait to see them. But it was more than that, we literally captured one family's moment in time. See our lives will change drastically in the next few months. Drew and Nicole are going to know within a week if everything is ready for the Penn State grad school adventure. Matt goes to orientation on the 20th, and while I say I can't wait, I think this will hit me hard. Then it will be us and Gabe. Not that Gabe doesn't need some quality time to work on his quirks, but still it won't be the same.

In these pictures Monkey and Bean captured old love and new love. Dan and I will be married 25 years in March and Drew and Nicole are coming up on their first anniversary. Love that has weathered some pretty tough times and love that is still in the adventurous stage. In these pictures they captured love that is for a lifetime--regardless of jobs, money, or location.

So who ever said a picture was worth a thousand words had it right. Or this great quotes:

The family is one of nature's masterpieces. ~George Santayana, The Life of Reason

You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu

But as the two older ones spread their wings may they remember:

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it.-- George Moore


Anonymous said...

Man....deep thoughts! Is that the Mississippi Mud cake talking? I thought about you guys while the heavens parted for just a few moments Saturday afternoon. I'm sure the pictures are going to turn out great. It is amazing what a little "tweeking" of a mouse can do for a picture.


Anonymous said...

Man....deep thoughts! Is that the Mississippi Mud cake talking? I thought about you guys while the heavens parted for just a few moments Saturday afternoon. I'm sure the pictures are going to turn out great. It is amazing what a little "tweeking" of a mouse can do for a picture.
