Thursday, June 19, 2008


Hello, my name is Lennye and I'm an addict. Let me clarify that, I am a vintage Pyrex addict. It happened very innocently on accident, and all it took was one look. (Isn't that the problem with addicts). Yes, that's right the other night when I made the wonderful chicken casserole out of this cookbook, I saw it and was instantly obsessed. That's right I had to have the beautiful creamy white dish with the turqouise blue Amish people on it. (Better yet there is one with roosters!)

Now my dreams are filled with having a collection of vintage Pyrex dishes. My grandmother had the plain colored bowls, not the beautiful one with print. However, like all addicts money is my chief problem! How to make money that is the question. Unless there is a call for large size pole dancer, I better start planning a garage sale in the near future.


Monkey said...

I like these too...but I got hooked on the solid kind and the only one (ironically)_that I didn't get but wanted was an orange one...ebay my friend...ebay. I got all of mine from there at various prices. It's quicker than traveling around from antique store, to store HOPING to get lucky enough to find one and then wasting all of your expensive gas. The only thing I ever worried about is hoping that my bowls didn't come from freaks that would put cut up body parts in them!! But, I washed them over and over again by hand and in the dishwasher before using!! :) :)

Monkey said...

ps. that addiction was in college, believe it or not!

Sarah B. B. said...

Good to know this - now, when I stalk Value Village, I can keep you in mind. Are there any colors you're trying to stick with? I assume you are less interested in the gold & avocado shades of my childhood. ;)

Lennye said...

I'm digging the white with turqoise, but saw pink and red! I'm in love! Also, there was a jade looking one too.

Anonymous said...

.....2 words, OH NO!!!!!=(
this is very bad. I really dont like eating out
of fine china. I could EASILY break that.

K2daK said...

Monkey gave me some rooster ones, I love them! Have you checked out Peachtree Peddlers? Sometimes they have good stuff.

I love that Gabe reads your blog!