Monday, March 10, 2008

Life - One Outstanding Debacle After Another! defines debacle as - A sudden, disastrous collapse, downfall, or defeat; a rout.
A total, often ludicrous failure.

Matt and Gabe have a teacher who uses the was an outstanding debacle...and doesn't that about sum it up.

Today, Dan left for Jackson, Mississippi. Anyway for over a week I've asked Dan to pay the phone bill so that he could tell them to put it in my name. Doesn't seem difficult right. Well you are up on how the car wouldn't start, but it looked good today for the car Matt would get a new battery after school. CHECK! So Matt calls me at work at 4:10, are you ready? No Matt, I've got to get report cards finished. And I am still teaching here, I'll call. Then I go to call. No answer on Matt's cell phone. This is not unusual. So I try the house phone and hear...We're sorry but this number has been temporarily disconnected.....Well being the rocket scientist type I immediately knew that Dan had not followed through and paid the phone bill.

So I call Dan...Dan where are you...Going through Birmingham....Hey, guess what just happen.....I don't know....I've been trying to call Matt to come get me at school and he isn't answering his cell phone....Well call the house phone...Tried but that has been DISCONNECTED...Oh!......I'm sorry, I forgot all about that....Well it was a very white trash moment for me, wish you could be here to share it....I'll call Mr. Phillip to go get the children to call...

And that my friends is an excellent example of an outstanding debacle! Don't you just love it!

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