Saturday, March 15, 2008


Oh my! I am truly in over my head and do feel like I am drowning these days.

First, why did I want to work on my doctorate? I am at a point where I can't even write a complete sentence. I feel that all my research so far needs to be tossed out a window and buried in the backyard. I don't like anything I'm coming with right now, nothing is flowing.

Second, they keep saying that doctoral students need to prioritize their time, but I can't seem to find what can be eliminated. Is it right to eliminate church? I just can't in my soul find the justification to eliminate church. And I'm not going to eliminate my family, yet!

Pray for me!


Sarah B. B. said...

Prayers on the way... But just as importantly, they are right about the prioritizing. Not to say that you should skip church or quit seeing your family, but you might want to chart out your day minute by minute & see where you can rearrange things. Also, most doctoral students don't put in as much time at the schoolhouse as you do, nor do they spend weekends with horse shows, so you are GOING to be more strapped for time than some. (Aren't I just little miss sunshine today...) Anyway, you CAN do it, you WILL do it, and some day it'll just be a repressed blur of a memory, and you'll be Dr. Hestad. :)

Sarah B. B. said...

OH! And I tagged you on my blog. Come by & see what to do...