Monday, February 25, 2008


Well nothing like a Monday. Actually, today went fairly quick. I actually left my room and made 2 phone calls that had to be made. After school we started a tutoring program, we have 12 - 5th graders and it was great. F and I split them for 30 minutes at a time, she does math and I do reading.

Writing skills have fallen off since the break. I wish we had taken the test before the break. Nothing of substance was written today. Wednesday I am giving a mock test again. This time I am giving three prompts and we will see how it goes.

Last night I discovered that I had not gotten my textbooks for my next class and I thought I would die. (class started officially today) But I got home and called and they are overnighting them to me! YEAH!

Lists are working for me right now.

1 comment:

robin said...

since you don't answer your email i thought i would try this. didn't know if you knew about tilman selfs death saturday they found him on his tractor think it was a heart attack. robin