Monday, January 21, 2008

What to do on a day off!

1. Immediately get on the phone and try to stop the hackers in your email account. (I really feel violated!)
2. Fix children breakfast
3. Begin work on 1099's for horse people who actually won over $600 last year.
4. Realize you are short 8 1099 forms and leave for trip to Staples.
5. Go in and get what I need and leave.
6. Spend 30 minutes trying to get out of parking lot.
7. Gather up all the change and go to Starbucks. Then realize you have a gift card. Coffee never tasted so good.
8. Check on F who is undergoing nuclear testing
9. Go get Nyquil and liquids for Matt
10. Heat up soup from Saturday
11. Finish 1099's
12. Denise and Shelby drop in
13. Fold socks (I hate to fold socks)
14. Hang up laundry (another thing that isn't my favorite thing to do)
15. Work with tutor on this weeks assignments
16. Wonder what would happen if I actually had a day to rest


Sarah B. B. said...

While you didn't get a day off, it does seem like you checked some major items off that list! Be happy about that. I hope your email gets fixed soon. :)

K2daK said...

Aren't you glad that you have things to do and the ability to do them? :) Hey, atleast you got stuff done!

Monkey said...

Look at my home girls putting the positive spin on it! You go!