Sunday, January 13, 2008


I need coffee creamer. There are somethings in the world that I couldn't do without. Milk doesn't get it, I need the chemicals found in Coffeemate! What a nasty little secret to know about me! Also, I need Verona coffee. It is true, I am the only adult here who can manage to work, go to school, and grocery shop. I suppose Dan and Matt could go if they ever stayed home. The Cowboy call is too strong!

Well I think I'm going to the doctor! (To get the coffee creamer on the way home) I've changed my mind on that one! I don't know what the doctor can do, but run useless test. The throat is still swelled, but I can talk. It won't be strep, but it will be tonsillitis. So we shall see. I feel a little better, my stomach seems normal today. Drinking hot liquids helps. Hot Toddies really help!! I did read that the combination of lemon juice and honey has some miracle effects.

I've had a hitch in the world of academia. Apparently, I missed a valuable email! Seems that I should have already sent in my prospectus. Of course the one thing I'm finding about research is that it is ever changing. The more you know, the more your questions evolve. Anyway, I've emailed my prospectus everywhere. Then someone sent an email that said don't mail it yet. So we shall see.

Finally, got in the wedding pictures I ordered! They are so sweet. Young love is grand! I haven't got Nicole's B-Day gift over to her yet (it was the 8th), but I did call.

I will try and check in on Linda today after she gets home from church. I think if all is going well I might try and Oklahoma trip in April. Also, worked on my calender and I have scheduled a horse show on Matt's graduation. So, I may have to hire a standin. I do that for others often, so no problem.

1 comment:

Monkey said...

What is Linda's last name? Our friend Rose's dad lives in Oklahoma and he just found out he has cancer...his wife's name is I wondering.