Saturday, January 12, 2008

No Voice!

I am up, I've drank, and I've had toast. All is well so far, except I have no voice! I do think God made our bodies so that when we do not rest, the body forces us to rest. I really have way to much to do and if I feel better today, I will have to get a few groceries. But, we shall see.

Question: Why do I feel guilty even thinking about crawling in bed and reading all day?


Monkey said...

The "no voice" thing probably means you shouldn't be don't! And don't bring your butt back to work on Monday if you aren't better more gagging in the hallway! :) Seriously though, just take it easy because if you do you will get better quicker and this stuff won't drag on forever and THEN you can proceed to get things done.

Amber said...

I agree. When I was working mega over time, I could feel myself running down, I got sick, I lost my voice, I was sore, it was awful. I kept working until I finally got so bad I stayed up all night vomiting. I draw the line at vomiting...I hate makes me cry...every freaking time I cry. After that, I went into work, told them I was sick and I spent the rest of the day in bed. I woke up the next day feeling as fresh as daises! Rest if you need it, or else you might get the vomits.