Thursday, January 17, 2008

Moments in Time

Last week I went for my annual mammogram, that was a tad bit past annual. Anyway, there is always a lot of emotion that I go through when this time of year rolls around. They ask you all these questions and then when you say your mother died of breast cancer at 34; all the whistles and bells go off in the office.

Well Tuesday I got the results. I was suddenly struck as I pulled the envelope out of the mailbox that how can something so small carry such a life changing information. I sat for awhile in the car and looked at it. Then I put the cell phone beside me and opened it. For that brief moment in time you know that your life could change forever! Then there is that rush of relief that your life will be the same for another year at least. I had to say a prayer for all those women who opened that letter on Tuesday and it wasn't good news and thank God at the same time that mine was okay.

Another good thing is I lost another 1.6 pounds. This puts it at 28 pounds total. Almost 30....I'm feeling it!!!!


Monkey said...

I'm not looking forward to the scariness of opening that sounds awful. Both of my aunts (mom's sisters) are breast cancer survivors---one with a single mastectomy and the other with a I feel pretty anxious about the possibilities when I think about it. I'm glad everything turned out ok for you, I don't want to imagine things without you.

K2daK said...

Good news!! Glad to hear it is all good for you for now and for later too. :) Way to go on the weight!!!