Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well it is hard to believe that we are looking at 2008! I hope everyone has your blackeyed peas and collards going. We will all need all the luck we can get this year.

Gabe and Ryan kept the road hot last night between houses as they rang in the new year. I even had sparkling lemonade for them. They got out the wine classes and danced right into 2008!

Matt opted out on going to a party this year. Since last year he got in trouble for not being home on time.

I'm making some resolutions (Let's see how this works):
  1. Spend more time Enjoying Life
  2. Spend less time worrying about things I can't change

I think if I can do these two things it will be a big year around here!

I slept like a log last night on my NEW pillows. I will not EVEN take a picture of the ones going out to the trash today! Why do we wait so long to buy something so nifty?

I have another big day of cooking going on. I'll report more on that later.

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