Saturday, December 29, 2007

More Sadness

Robin just called to tell me that Tad Register was stabbed Thursday night outside of Buffalo's in Warner Robbins and died. When I taught at Central Fellowship Tad's grandmother was our bookkeeper. Wonderful family. Then I taught Tad's brother Kyle, who has Down's Syndrome. That year my children learned more about real life and loving other than any group I've ever taught. Tad and Kyle's mother Rebecca is a precious woman. When I first got pregnant with Gabe the young doctor told me I should have an abortion, because I was too old (36). (That's when I started seeing Old Dr. Brown.) Well Rebecca was such an encouragement during my pregnancy.

Wonderful people and I am so sad that they are having to deal with this horrible tragedy.

1 comment:

K2daK said...

Boy you might need a vacation from your vacation of deaths. :( Sorry to hear about another loss.