Saturday, December 1, 2007


Recently KE discussed homeschooling on her site and I thought this would be a good time to discuss RtI and my frustrations.

First, let me start by saying I'm pissed that students get to 5th grade and they read on a second grade level. I'm pissed that administration won't call out those teachers and say this is unacceptable. Those who came to me with a SST folder most of those were never written in after second grade (SBB and NS were the last to make comments).

Second, Reading effects everything you will ever do in life. I find that most fifth graders do not like to read. They are burnt out on AR and rarely meet their goals. This year with new math standards if you don't read you won't pass math. One little girl in my room can't read, but is the fastest student in fifth grade with math facts. This is thanks to her 2nd grade teacher SBB. However, she reads probably right where SBB left her.

Third, RtI is a wonderful idea. However, this should be what teachers do anyway and it is overwhelming to try to make up the difference in fifth grade. Also, it is impossible to be held responsible for the RtI of 102 students and the paperwork. I need help!

Which brings me to my next point. I would not have made it this week without Monkey. She stepped in typing, going to the computer lab so I could pull students, and trying hard to add calmness to the hall all week. THANK YOU!

Last, you are all under orders to tell me if I need medication!!!!!

PS. SBB, I rushed home to check out the tickets for GS, try $142 a piece for the low in ones. For $284 Big D could lipsync GS and I might be okay!!!


Monkey said...

This post will no doubt generate paragraph long I will keep mine short...You are very welcome and I certainly don't mind helping you guys out. Any time. We now know that we have to look out for each other, because it's not like the people who should help ever will.

Sarah B. B. said...

I AM SO SORRY. That sucks. I would be just as frustrated in your shoes. I love that group of kids to death, but there are some serious challenges in there. I won't get started on what certain other folks OUGHT to be doing (but aren't). I won't even get started on how good ideas trickle down & get misinterpreted to the point where they are bad ideas.

I'll just say that I know y'all are teaching your butts off, and at the end of the day, that's about all you can do. Reading is SO important, and SO fun, and we've killed the joy for SO many kids. I hate that - between fluency assessments & mandated computer programs & boring textbooks, of course they don't like it!

And I'm terribly sorry about the tickets. I can't believe they're that much! Ugh. You should write him a letter and tell him that no one doing a worthwhile job in this society can afford to pay that much just to hear him sing! Sheesh. :(

Sarah B. B. said...

Kinsley just told me to read your comments on her blog - good points. What made you a GOOD homeschooling parents is your ability to recognize when it was & wasn't working for EACH of your children! Which is also what makes you a good teacher, but I digress. I agree that what they're telling you for RTI is crapola. I refuse to believe the computer is the answer - if it were, we'd all be irrelevant.