Thursday, December 27, 2007

Pioneer Woman Mystery Solved!

Yesterday, I read that pioneer woman had an article in the January issue of Good Housekeeping magazine, so I bought it. I knew she was from Oklahoma. I'd figured that out when the cousin had on the OU hoodie. But who had that much land and cattle, enough to raise wild mustangs too? Well her last name is on the article and the pieces fell together. Drummond. Well there is only one Drummond Land and Cattle Company, and they are located outside Tulsa near Pawhuska. The NCHA gives out a youth award every year called, "The Todd Drummond Award". Rae isn't living like most people that farm and ranch....(barely making it), but she is great reading and her pictures are wonderful. Anyway mystery solved.

PS. Further investigations have uncovered... it does not hurt that your father-in-law is very well diversified and is part owner in a mid-size oil company! Isn't the internet grand once you know what you are looking for.

PSS Monkey, I think the best place to be is with those who love you. Even without money! Since we are all in education we won't be pocketing that million anytime soon. This time I really looked at my check and $1,300 per month goes out to taxes and insurance!


Monkey said...
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Monkey said...
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Anonymous said...

I figured out Ree's family name a long time ago when a picture she posted had her husband's name in it. The site is so picture-heavy that the pictures took a while to come up, and while they were loading, the names were displayed.

However, being a non-rancher, and from several states away, I had no idea how much money was in this family until recently. I've been itching to ask her how on earth they afford everything they do if they are ranchers, but your post clarifies it a bit :-D

I feel like such a stalker, but I have no malicious intent. It's like the title of your post suggests - when someone famous is anonymous, it's a mystery you're dying to solve!

Anonymous said...

Yep, no longer a mystery why ALL of their equipment is brand spankin' new, all vehicles are new, etc., and also explains how they can rebuild the farm house just cuz they want to!!

Anonymous said...

I figured it out a long time ago when she used to write posts about MM's ancestors- a quick internet search of the ancestors' first names and the mercantile, and them being pioneers brought it all up.

According to the internet, they're the 77th largest land owners in the US. Another explanation for it all! What a nice life!

Anonymous said...

Well, even though they have money and are able to afford nice equipment,etc ... I think it would still do to point out that Marlboro Man goes to work every day in the elements, working with livestock that doesn't always cooperate. He's not exactly living the cushy life, managing his assets from behind a desk. I have a lot of respect for people who continue to work hard rather than cashing out and living the easy life.

Mz.Many Names said...

Some of the Drummond $$$ comes from YOU the taxpayers. They are #2 highest paid contractor for the DOI / BLM who pays them "so much a head" a year ($500) to graze wild horses. In 2007, they earned well over 2M doing this. This is such a waste of taxpayers $$$ cause the horses were run off of the public lands in favor of welfare ranching, big game hunting, oil & gas exploration, and "community development." The BLM says it costs like 39M a year to keep all these wild horses in/on these privately owned holding facilities but they do not tell us that it costs taxpayers nearly 500M per year to administer the welfare ranching system that benefits no one but "welfare ranchers" like the Drummonds...
To learn more about the Wild Horse Wars, go here;

NanSewz said...

I follow PioneerWoman's blog and quite frankly, I love it. I hardly think Mrs. Drummond sits in front of her computer all day. She doesn't send her kids to public schools-she home schools and just being the mom of 4 children and a cowboy hubby AND cook for their hired hands (at times) keeps her plenty busy. Have you every done laundry for a rancher? Having the money her family has EARNED the RESPECTABLE way (hard,hot AND cold, blood sweat and tears)--the true COWBOY way, is great in my book. More power to them !Brand spankin' new equipment? For a ranch as large as theirs, I'd WANT good, new equipment as much as I could!Teaching their kids the "way of the land" and "how to work the honest way" ? Alot of people could take lessons from this family. Maybe I am wrong, but the posts sound a little "green" if ya know what I mean, and "green" ain't purty when it's "envy". Sorry, just my opinion.......

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with NanSewz!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with NanSewz!