Saturday, October 13, 2007

Movie Afternoon

Just watched the movie Evening. Of course just like One True Thing, I cried. The line where Merle Streep's character says, " Your mother had her whole life. She sang at my wedding... she raised two girls... we can't know everything she did. We are mysterious creatures, aren't we?" had me crying. I guess sometimes there are so many things I wish my mother had answered. That I had been old enough to know to ask.

Unlike some, I think movies that make you cry are okay. However, I hope that on my deathbed I'm not saying names that make people wonder what kinds of mysteries I'm hiding. There are things that need to be secret! Things that can bring a smile only to my face every now and then. Things no one knows (except for maybe Brenda)!

1 comment:

Monkey said...

Julie and I watched it too and cried. It was a good movie.