Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sunday and Time is fading fast....

Does anyone remember the Jim Croce song, "Time in a Bottle?" Or have I totally dated myself? That's how I feel today, kinda in a melancholy mood.

But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them......

So it goes as tomorrow I face another work week full of conferences, planning, meetings, cleaning, and laundry...I guess I'm very lucky to have another day to do these things. I have finished my class, so I have maintained my 4.0 and I don't have another class till after my birthday. (Which no one will be here to celebrate, cause there's a horse show in Mississippi.) But a mental break from doing so many things at once will be appreciated.


K2daK said...

Have fun with your conferences this week, I hope they all go great for you!

Sarah B. B. said...

Yay for conferences - definitely something I don't miss. :) Y'all rock at them, though, so no worries.