Monday, October 8, 2007


This is my foot! I have a nasty sore brought on by having to tape my foot. Taping my foot was my doctor's next step for my plantars fasitis (sp). Tracie got a cast, I got a roll of tape. This all sounded good, till we had to take the tape off. Now I can not wear shoes. I can't wait to get my PAP done this week and have the doctor catch a glance at my foot while doing the other! Won't that be interesting.

On a happier note....Dan took the afternoon off and we went to Macon to the movies. We saw 3:10 to Yuma and it was great fun. Then after an extended trip to Barnes and Noble we went to Carrabbas for supper. Another favorite thing of mine. In an effort to be good, I put half my food on Dan's plate. He was sweet and ate his and mine!

Got home to Gabe needing to make a confession. Seems he now has detention, which cost us $20 and he loses a Saturday. As the sorted facts unraveled, it appears that Gabe and his new friend Dean, were throwing plastic bottles of coke at the wall during the football game. Not the wisest thing. Of course Gabe said Dean was just showing him how to blow up a bottle of coke. Apparently it worked well. He was distraught and dreaded our return home. Says he's learned two things, never go to football games and don't be stupid.

Then there is Matt who in one week needs to order senior class ring, announcements, and pay for senior pictures. I need a loan to live for the rest of the month. This was on top of needing field trip money and I need to go buy him a dress shirt.

Well if that was today, who knows what tomorrow will be like.


Monkey said... win the award for the nastiest picture I've seen on a blog so far. That's raunchy. Hope it is feeling better than it looks at the moment.

K2daK said...

YUCK!! I hope your foot gets better!