Friday, September 14, 2007


The weight of the world has decided to rest on the Hestad's house for a while. The woman didn't make it. We are all terribly sad that someones life is over and we were involved. It is a horrible feeling. I pray that God will be with her family and ours.


Monkey said...

It's all going to work out in the end. Just do your best to do things that make you guys happy. Movie nights and visiting fun places and it will help yank you out of the sadness quicker than if you get bogged down in work and stresses. Take some time for yourself. When you need it, you need to take it!

K2daK said...

Goodness, I had no idea! I will be praying for you, Dan, and your family. I can't imagine how you feel or Dan. I just will pray for God to help you all through this time. Sad, sad news!