Sunday, July 29, 2007


Nothing like a terrible cold, fever, achy bones, etc get one ready to go back to work. Everyone else got over this in a couple of days. It is just hanging on for me!!! YEAH!! The paper isn't written, the house isn't clean, there is another mound of laundry ready to be attacked and I get to start work. Who has the margaritas?

1 comment:

Monkey said...

this is from Lee...
Okay Lenne...this is the second time I'm sending this...the first post went...who knows where...I was writing to tell you I hope you feel better and not to get too stressed or you'll never get over this name is schoolitis I'm afraid....take care, hope you had a good first day back....OH, if this goes somewher else in space, I'll wish you a good day as well....NANO NANO Lee