Monday, July 9, 2007


Gabe has a ruptured eardrum! I am not happy with doctor who two weeks ago prescribed antibiotic and no ear drops! Anyway at the horse show Saturday he loses it! Cried hard all the way home (2 1/2 hours). I wanted to scream. Sunday we went to doctor again. Today I called and ENT to get an appointment. I have one Wednesday. Then the doctor called to say they couldn't get an appointment with an ENT. So I informed them already taken care of!!! They asked how --- perhaps the pain in a mother's voice who has heard a big 10 year old scream for two days! Dr. prescribed codine for G and that has helped some.

The wayward son, went off to Fort Worth and won Reserve Champion in the 18 and under cutting at the Paint World show. You go Matt! He is back to Fort Worth on Thursday for another show. No wonder we don't do vacations people around here are too busy going to horse shows.

Lover boy is home again from his weekend with Nicole and family! We need to be looking for a suit! I don't know how we will get all this done.

Dan is exhausted. He can't even think anymore. I will be glad for him to get a rest. I hope we get a chance to talk during our working break this weekend. Lover Boy will have to take care of livestock and sick boy.

Dear Lord, help this bunch!

1 comment:

Monkey said...

How's Gabe's ear? Hope he is doing better! How does a person even get a busted eardrum...has he been going to rock concerts again?! :)